Snow scared the beejezus out of me!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
So tonight, i got home a bit late (happens on friday nights, eh) and I thought I´d still let my boys out of the cage. They weren´t super eager to get out, but hey, they get out-time every day, so no exceptions. :) Anyways, I wasn´t a good rat-daddy tonight, just planted myself in front of the PC and messed about, played some games etc. An hour later, I go back to see if they want to play or are ready to go back in the cage, but they seem content in their respective favourite spots, lazing about, so I think ok, let´s leave em out for a while longer.

Another hour later, I go back to check on them and I see Snow sleeping in his favourite spot. So I think, ok, you´re tired, might as well put you back in the cage, right? So I move the sliding panel, which is quite noisy, to get to him, and he hasn´t budged. Deep sleeper, I think, and nudge him. No reaction. I´m like "WTF" and nudge him again, still nothing. So now I´m thinking OMG dude, you can´t have died on me at 6 months here, and I go to pick him up. To my great relief, that does make him stir and he wakes up in my hands. :bow:

He didn´t apreciate being so rudely woken, I could tell, but man, he could have bit me and I´d still have been happy.
oh my gosh, i can only imagine that heart sinking feeling!!!
my rat doesnt sleep heavy at all (thank god!) id get scared everyday lol
Ugh that happened to me not too long ago with one of my geckos. She was on the floor of her tank, and she's never on the floor, and I walked in and she didn't move, like she usually does. I threw a cricket in for her, and she didn't go for it. I reached in to poke her and she didn't move... oh my god. I was freaking. I started crying and got a shoebox to put her in, I come back, and she's up chasing the cricket, and it turns out all she was doing was laying eggs. Hahaha. Little bugger.

I hate that feeling though, that heart dropping feeling, when you think they're dead. Worst feeling ever. Glad Snow is okay!!