Simon Peter has an inverted penis

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Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
Jul 21, 2007
central New Brunswick Canada
Simon Peter will be 36 months old on Friday.
He has chf. Symptoms have been under control for months using meds.
Simon has severe hed and has been unable to move his back legs since Dec.

Simon weighs over 800 grams .... he was a big boy but his weight ballooned since he started taking daily meds last summer
Needless to say, Simon is unable to reach many places to groom so I help.

A month or more ago I noticed that Simon's penis is inverted as I tried to find it to check for a penis plugs (He is neutered so not as much a concern as an unneutered boy).
When I couldn't find Simon's penis, I had my vet check.
My vet found Simon's condition to be interesting but didn't seem concerned.

I am concerned. It must be uncomfortable - there is hair growing on it, now inside the hole in his abdomen. It is impossible to clean etc

Anyone ever experience this?
Any ideas?
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Yikes, that certainly sounds like something that needs attention. Your vet doesn't seem very concerned - but he'd be if it was his penis. Is this causing urination issues? Hope you find a solution for the poor guy.
yes, it goes in ..... it is just a hole in his abdomen .... like a girl ..... except since it is supposed to be protruding, it has hair growing on it so now the hair is growing inside the hole
I had trouble getting Peanut's out the other day for a plug check and was concerned this might of happened to him... He is a coconut at 1102 grams
I would think it's the same as with human men who are their penis gets pulled in due to fat? Maybe not but because he's a very large rat, that could perhaps be the case. Other than the hygienic concerns, I don't think it's a super big issue. I'm far from an expert, however!! Either way, good luck. Size doesn't matter, right? haha ssshhh. But really, one of my older, large rats (Dill), his isn't completely inverted but it is a bit shorter the larger he grows.