Simon is having seizures!

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Active Member
May 24, 2008
Sweet Simon had a seizure this afternoon. The classic signs, "Rising up on hind legs, sniffing hard, appearing to bat at the air with hands, muscle stiffening, clenched teeth, falling over, eyes glazing over, flailing violently, jerking or spasms, tongue protruding from mouth".
This is the second time in a month that I have witnessed it. The first time, I thought he was choking because it happened after he ate and was only the rising up and batting at the air around his head, falling over and seeming dazed afterwards. This time was worse. His fur was all standing up, he was shivering and totally unresponsive (but conscious) afterwards. I think his injured toes were probably caused by a seizure when he was in the runabout ball. He began seizing, caught his toes in the slots and they were cut during the thrashing, perhaps?
I have contacted my vet, and he suggested that I try to track the frequency and duration of episodes for the next week, unless they seem to be very intense and dangerous. Then I am to take Simon in at anytime for a check up and diagnosis (including CT and/or x-rays).

I think this explains Simon's erratic behaviour. He can be laying peacefully in my lap, bruxxing or snoozing when suddenly he goes stiff, squeaks and jumps away. I described this behaviour to the Dr. and he is concerned that Simon may have a brain tumor or some other neurological disorder that is causing both the behaviour and the seizures. If that is the case, the only true way to handle it is to ensure his safety and monitor his quality of life. If he is happy and healthy (other than the seizures), I need to make sure he can't hurt himself by falling from an upper level (or get his toes/extremities caught). I am making hammocks out of pillow cases to stretch below the partial levels of the cage, kind of like a trampoline or safety net. The ball is gone from the cage, and all hammocks are hung with the smooth side up.

Is there anything else I can do? Any suggestions will be very welcome and appreciated!!

Oh I am sorry I don't have any suggestions......poor little boy and poor you......hope everything works out and someone has some great suggestions
I've read something like this before, but I don't think there is any cure or even treatment. Like you said, it's making his home safe for his episodes.
Currently, my Vincent has seizures but I think it's due to his spine.
Seizures can be treated with medications, just as with humans. Ratguide lists some treatments as well as things that you can do to make them more comfortable throughout their lives.

You can see their article on seizures Here, and they link to the medications from that page.