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Dec 7, 2021
Hi! Been a while since ive posted here, but i have three rats- about a year and a half year old. Theyre all from different litters, and one has a respiratory infection she spread to her sisters. My concern is that shes developed 3 medium sized tumors in the past few days- and though i know its common in rats i want to be sure its not a result of the infection. I have been doing breathing treatments but i cannot afford a vet visit nor do i have rat vets near me, im a minor with no job & cant drive. Is it possible for me to give her small doses of dog & cat allergy/kennel cough treatment??

ratlover45doughnutz's reply makes no sense.
If your girls have respiratory infections they need antibiotics. Developing 3 tumors in a few days is pretty quick, are they mammary tumors? I haven't heard of respiratory infections causing tumors, however if the tumors are stressing your girl's system that could cause respiratory problems.​

I read that they could be swollen lymph nodes as a result of the lower respiratory thing. One is under her arm, the uther two are next to her under her leg. Im trying to find antibiotics but i cant take her to a vet for a prescription. Only one of them has em, and theyre not big- dont seem to be causing her pain. But they're hard.
Are you able to order antibiotics online? You can order Baytril (Enrofloxacin) here: Enrofloxacin 10%
You use very little for a treatment, so it can be used many times until it's expiry date. If you order, weigh your ratties and ask here so someone can give the right dosage.
(I'd ignore ratlover45doughnutz's advice, it's not helpful and could be dangerous for your girls).
Are you able to order antibiotics online? You can order Baytril (Enrofloxacin) here: Enrofloxacin 10%
You use very little for a treatment, so it can be used many times until it's expiry date. If you order, weigh your ratties and ask here so someone can give the right dosage.
(I'd ignore ratlover45doughnutz's advice, it's not helpful and could be dangerous for your girls).
Yes! just read an article, I wouldn't listen to Fidget. I read that baytril works wonders! :)
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