Sauerkraut to help our Rats

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
In our educated group I probably don't have to mention the immune-protective role of probiotics ...but I think Sauerkraut may be our answer, as its natural and non-dairy (rare!) not to mention the enzyme and fibre bonus. I look forward to hearing what others think.

I never really liked the sour, vinegary variety, so lucky the "good guy" here is actually the salty, crunchy, Polishtown original. (FYI vinegar and pasterurization kills the PBs). Bonus if it's low sodium too. It was a chore getting the rats to like it, but thanks to my horsie I've become also sneaky and persistent! Here is Little Moh voluntarily stealing some of mine after several days of teasing.
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Cute pic. :)
I don't know much about nutrition and what could be good or bad in sauerkraut, but look forward to reading what other people think. I'm not a fan of the stuff but if it's good for ratties, could give it a try...
The first time, they really gave me a lesson --they spit the stuff out immediately. It was then I remembered RATS HAVE TO BE TRICKED ;) In that pic Moh's interest was piqued because I pushed him away repeatedly prior to the shot. Some of my other tricks, in order, included...
-introducing it when they're hungry
-rinsing off the brine
-chewing it slightly myself, to remove more salt, and release the cabbage odor
-dangling it, noodle-like, to stimulate their appetite, prey drive, and competitiveness
-using the thinnest, threadlike strands to make it more appetizing
-concealing it between my fingers, so they were only able to break off tiny bits at a time
-Prolly the most important part --removing it while they're still interested, so it will retain its treatlike status! (with my guys, giving them too much of a good thing, even salmon, they go "off it." As a rule I try to disguise the most important foods, be it kraut, fish or fruit, as a treat as much as possible).
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My friend just brought back a kraut pot from the States and had a weight made to fit it. Now she is all ready to start making some again. She is also keen on the health benefits of eating it. I'm pretty sure I'm on the list for a jar when it's ready. I'll have to try it out on my kids. :)
Who is the tiny nekkie in your avatar? looks like a little pencil eraser ;)
That is Juno, my little sweetie pie. :heart:
She was rescued last Christmas with eight other nakies. Both of her eyes were infected when I got her. After a course of antibiotics she was fine, but blind. Hasn't slowed her down one bit, and she is one of my favs because she is always first to the cage door. :)