Sad News.. (keeping them!)

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Senior Member
Nov 23, 2010
New Westminster, BC
So I've come to the conclusion that I'm most likely going to have to find a new home for my three lovely girls. :sad3:
I've realized, especially after Bijoux's incident with her face swelling and then her lump removal, that I just don't have the funds right now to provide the necessary veterinary care that they are going to need as they get older. :(
When I got my girls I had a job, and the funds to care for them and provide them with anything they needed. Then I lost my job, found out I was pregnant, and since then I haven't been able to find employment ANYwhere. Job opportunities in Chilliwack (or the Fraser Valley in general) are few and far between, and being pregnant makes it even harder.
To add to things I'm hopefully going to be moving in with my boyfriend (finally!) in the next couple of months here before the baby comes and I just can't ask him to pay for their veterinary care when we'll be tight in the money department as it goes since he'll be the sole provider until after I have the baby.
I do NOT want to post an ad to re-home them on craiglist or kijiji or something because I don't even want the possibility that they'll be going to some snake owner or to someone who doesn't know how to properly care for them.
I know that all of you are amazing rattie parents and so I feel comfortable posting on here.

I'm going to be absolutely devastated when (there's no doubt it has to happen) I give them up. Bijoux is my baby, and like a child to me herself, and the other two are my little love bugs. :cry4: I'll atleast feel better about having to give them up if I know 100% sure they are going to a good home where they will get the care they need.
I was honestly even thinking of just keeping Bijoux and re-homing the other two and just having her out with me 100% time that I'm home but I know she would be depressed if I took her away from her adoptive sisters.. I want what's best for all of them.

I won't need to re-home them for a bit still but if anybody around the Chilliwack, BC area has room for three more ratties let me know. Their cage and everything would be included so you don't have to worry about that. If you don't need the cage I'll keep it for future use.

I HATE that rats live such short lives and suffer from pretty much every ailment under the sun! If they wouldn't need veterinary care for things such as respiratory infections and such so young it would be different. If they were like cats or dogs and didn't need to see the vet so often I could keep them because it wouldn't be so financially straining. I hate this so much! :wallbang:

Gah. :sad3:
I am so sorry to hear that. :sad3: But even if you didn't have a baby it would be financially straining as well. I think maybe you should hold off before making any major decisions. I am sure you're boyfriend would understand. I can't honestly see someone giving up their beloved pets (you will pull through this - unemployment doesn't last forever).

It's going to be a depressing time for me, but I'll cope.
Like I said, if they weren't going to need regular vet visits around the time the baby comes then I'd keep them, but they most likely will. Bijoux has always been a sneezy one, although the vet can never find anything wrong with her, plus she has had this tumor like thing so early in life so I have no doubt she'll be a regular at the vet. She was a pet store rattie, so her genetics probably aren't wonderful.
Oh hun I'm so sorry. I know this has got to be breaking your heart. I wish ( Bijou :heart: )I could help but I still haven't found homes for all the babies yet. I hate to say it but you may have to split them up.
KTyne said:
It's going to be a depressing time for me, but I'll cope.
Like I said, if they weren't going to need regular vet visits around the time the baby comes then I'd keep them, but they most likely will. Bijoux has always been a sneezy one, although the vet can never find anything wrong with her, plus she has had this tumor like thing so early in life so I have no doubt she'll be a regular at the vet. She was a pet store rattie, so her genetics probably aren't wonderful.

I think you can make Bijoux as comfortable she can be in the meantime. It could be a one time can't be certain..
It sure is heartbreaking, especially with Bijoux since she was my first rat and the one I've fallen hardest for. I know you aren't supposed to have a favorite kid, but she's definitely mine.
If they go to great homes with other rats that they can get along with and be happy with I'll think of splitting them up but I'd always have that worry that they wouldn't get along with the person's current rats and would be all alone. :(

Also, I'm hoping that Bijoux's lump was a one time thing but we'll see in time. Penelope is getting sneezy lately too so there is that as well. >_<

*edit- I was thinking of asking LMR if they'd take them in because then I'd know they'd find them great homes, and I'd donate the girl's cage and everything along with them, but they just took in the bunch of rats from Vancouver so I wouldn't want to add another burden. :|
I think you need to contact the breeder you got two of your girls from - ethical breeders have a clause saying that the rats must return to them if the owner no longer wants them. It's also something that most rescues have (it states that in my adoption contract that every adopter signs).
I was thinking about contacting the breeder, but at the same time I don't hold her in high regard anymore. (She breeds pet store rats, bred a hairless rat from a pet store that ended up not lactating and she knew that was a possiblity, etc, etc, etc.)
If I returned them to her I'm worried she'll just use them to breed more ratties irresponsibly. :|
I just thought I'd point it out since if you signed a contract she could theoretically take legal action.
Ugh, I was hoping I wouldn't have to give them back to her..
I'll have to contact her to see about that then, since I did sign some stupid thing. T_T
I'll for sure be trying my hardest not to have to seperate them.
I'm going to contact the breeder I got Penelope and Pashmina from to see if she'll let me re-home them or if she'll want to take them back.

*edit- so I e-mailed the breeder and hopefully she gets back to me soon. I am hoping she says I can re-home them myself because I really want these three to stay together!
Oh gosh.. if my parents weren't so strict about the " no more rats rule" I would definitely take in your baby girls. : ( I really hope they can stay together.
This is heartbreaking! :sad3: I sincerely hope that it doesn't come down to you needing to give them away at all, but I understand the financial burden, and I also hope that if they do need to go to new homes, then you won't have to split them up :/ If I were closer, I would definitely offer to help, but BC is a long way from New York.

Even still, good luck, I hope everything turns out the best for you and your girls. :heart:
Thanks for the encouragment guys, I hope I can keep them but I'm being realistic and I know it probably won't happen. :(
I haven't heard back from the breeder yet, and I'm not expecting to hear from her for a few days atleast. Last time I e-mailed her it took her like a week to reply. :|
KTyne said:
Thanks for the encouragment guys, I hope I can keep them but I'm being realistic and I know it probably won't happen. :(
I haven't heard back from the breeder yet, and I'm not expecting to hear from her for a few days atleast. Last time I e-mailed her it took her like a week to reply. :|

Well even if you do have to rehome them, hopefully you can find someone on the shack. At least then you know they are going to a good home. Heck maybe there is someone on here willing to take them until you get back on your feet them when you're ready you take them back? Like fostering?
Yeah, I was hoping someone on here could take them. I was thinking about asking my friend if she'd take them but she has two old lady ratties, one of them who is probably not too long for this world anymore (they are almost 3 now) and I don't know if she'd want new rats right before her ladies passed..
KTyne said:
Yeah, I was hoping someone on here could take them. I was thinking about asking my friend if she'd take them but she has two old lady ratties, one of them who is probably not too long for this world anymore (they are almost 3 now) and I don't know if she'd want new rats right before her ladies passed..

I'm sorry for everything you're going through. It's really rough when what may be best for your babies involves breaking your heart in the process. I'm sure no matter what you choose to do will be in their best interests.

In regards to your friend, are you sure the opposite isn't true? When I got my third boy (Whiskers), one of the reasons I got him was because my biggest fear was one of my younger boys someday passing away, and leaving the other all alone. Maybe she would be willing to take on your girls, if only so her remaining girl isn't alone after the other passes? If she's a good friend of yours, she may even be willing to hold onto them, and return them to you if/when you're on more stable ground and can take them back.