Rizzo's litter Day 24 pics up!!

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Joanne said:
I'm glad you are making progress with Rizzo. The babies all look good. Are those high-white markings I see? :(

Yeah. Two of them have very strong high white markings :( I figured some of them would where she's a blaze. Sucks. Hopefully we don't see any MC. Keeping our fingers crossed
Okay, here is where my naive comment comes in (forgive me!) but what does MC stand for (first thing I thought of was myco, brrrr) and how is that associated in a bad way with "high white markings"? (I saw the sad face on your post and got confused)

I currently have my second pair of rat boys and I still need to learn even more lingo than I thought I knew. :oops: The learning never stops in the ratty world I guess!
Vladina said:
Okay, here is where my naive comment comes in (forgive me!) but what does MC stand for (first thing I thought of was myco, brrrr) and how is that associated in a bad way with "high white markings"? (I saw the sad face on your post and got confused)
MC stands for Megacolon. It is a condition where (and this is just by the seat of my pants) the colon doesn't work very well, and food just stagnates in there and the colon dilates and the rat gets septic and dies because they can't poop any more. A lot of times the babies will do OK on momma's milk, but once food is introduced, they start having problems. One of the signs is a really bloated belly.
This condition is associated with high-white markings (on their head), which make the rats look pretty, but MC is a horrible way to die and it can happen very fast. Not all high white babies have MC, so all we can do is watch and wait, and euthanize the baby if they show the signs. :(
Oh, thanks so much Joanne, I appreciate it. That explained it all. I did know what megacolon was but I didn't know MC stood for megacolon. And, I had no idea that rats with high white markings can be more susceptible to that. That is awful, poor babies. :sad3: I hope they don't get it! I guess we just keep our fingers crossed?
They babies are doing well. Two of the babies are considerably smaller than the others. She hasn't separated anyone since that last time so that's good at least. I'm behind on pictures. They're 6 days old today. These are Day 5 pics.

I think there are 4 girls and 3 boys.

Day 5



They are beautiful! Lil wee ratty babies....sigh! Love them! :heart: Thanks so much for posting an update photo!
Ha ha, Joanne, I was thinking the same thing...new baby photos, cute teeny faces, folded back ears, eensy footies and nails and my first thought was, "I want to gobble them all up, they are soooo adorable!" Thud alert big time. :heart:
Rizzo hasn't been the nicest for letting us take a peek at the babies so I've only been checking on them every few days or so as not to stress her out.

We're slowly making progress with her. She walked into my hands the other day. I can't put my hands in the cage though just to the side of it. Maybe when the babies start exploring she'll be less protective.

Day 12 pics The babies eyes are open already!!! We have 4 boys and 3 girls for sure. A few of them are dumbo's


The girls

Awww, what little heart melters! They are soooo beautiful! I was drooling and awwing over the photos with my husband and he looked at me with that, "No, please, we cannot adopt more ratties right now" and I said, "They are in a different state, not Washington," and he breathed a sigh of relief, lol. :)
But he still kept looking adoringly at the photos, nonetheless!
Do they all have high-white markings? It's seriously a shame that the mega colon is predominant with those types of markings, because they are insanely gorgeous!!! I want ALL of the girls, haha.