Rescue vs. Breeder *Update and pictures!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2007
Winnipeg, MB
To begin this story, I found out that there is a reputable breeder in Regina, SK -- about 6 hours from me by car. I contacted her many many months ago, and told her I was interested in rats. Well, the first litter with rats available to me was just born November 13/07. She let me know that I would have first pick of babes... oh and they are black eyed siamese, and there are some REXES which I have never even seen in real life before. I was planning to drive out there around Christmas time and bring home 2 babies.

Well, as luck would have it.... What appears at the humane society this week. You guessed it. RATS. The last rats that were at the humane society were euthanized... and I always said that if I was in a position to get more rats (which I currently am, with 3 of my rats being oldtimers) and some needed to be rescued I would help them out. There is also the possibility that their vet will do a low cost neuter for me, and a slight possibility that she might spay them for me. (I have to go down and talk to her in person. She usually only alters the bunnies.)

So... what do I do... what do I do... what do I do....

Awww Lise. You know my answer. :( I would take in those shelter rats because that breeder will have those lovely babies again one day, and those shelter rats only have one chance. Sorry if you wanted to hear the other version. LOL
Aww Lise... what a dilemma!!

Of course, I'll say to go and rescue those sweeties but that would be advice not well balanced. The way I see it, those Siamese (drool) will find homes no matter what.

But then again, if it's health you are concerned with, the humane society rats may not be the best choice, then again, breeder rats aren't guaranteed health wise either....

This one is a hard one for sure.

Can you get two breeder rats and two at the humane society? :kisses:
It is a tough decision. If it was me, I may feel guilty about not adopting the shelter rats. But, sometimes you want to go a different route for reasons of your own.
Oh gosh, how good-hearted of you to be in this dilemma. How many are at the spca? I think you should help them as much as you can but must go pick out your favorite little breeder kid as a reward for yourself... (or maybe you will fall so in love with the spca kids you don't need any more)
I guess it make quarantine & intro issues more complicated tho, doesn't it?
jorats said:
Can you get two breeder rats and two at the humane society? :kisses:

I'm sure I would be sleeping out on the balcony then. LOL

The thing is, the breeder has these rats reserved for me already. Yes, they will find homes... but isn't it in bad taste to refuse something that you have constantly told the breeder YES you will be taking? I have already said I would be out there to pick them up. I feel terrible going back on my word... to anyone. And that puts her in a bad position for now having to find rats homes, that she already thought had homes lined up. Not really fair to the breeder....

And yes, these rats at the humane society may be sickly. THey already seem very porphyriny. It could be stress, or it could be something worse. Do I really want to get myself into that bundle of a mess again?? I don't think I can afford to spent hundreds on resp. problems again.
You pretty much have your answer... and as for the breeder and your commitment to her rats, yes, I think it should be honoured. If you renege now, she may not put you on a list again.
So I went down to the humane society to meet the rats, anyway. They are 5 months old 2 boys and 3 females. Separated of course. 2 of the girls were PEW and the others were black berks. One PEW was sneezy, the others all looked pretty healthy.

What a crazy place though! -- I wasn't even allowed to meet the rats, or talk to anyone until after I filled out tons of paperwork and the manager approved me for adoption. (Even though I said I was not adopting right then.)

They told me they were happy I was there, no one ever comes in to see the rats... Well, they make it hard enough! You can't even just stop in to see them.

And then, to top it off the adoption people wouldn't even ASK the humane society veterinarian if she would possibly spay the rats. They just said it was too specialized of a procedure, and no. And they didn't even try to ask! (She spays all of the bunnies that come in!)

Through all of this... the PEW is the most adorable rat ever. And I have wanted another PEW ever since I had to put my PEW Lucy to sleep at a very young age.

So I am off to clean the entire house, and see if I can possibly adopt the 1 from the HS and 2 from the breeder... I doubt it but worth a shot. :)
That's where you get hooked, when you go look at them. :lol:

I remember once, our local SPCA called us to let us know they had rats. Nic wanted so badly to just go look at them. I told her you know, if you look at them they are coming home with us...

Ya, they came home with us. :roll:
Well it looks like you have made a decision and it seems like its going to work out well. I have been put in that position before with dogs. I am such a huge advocate of rescuing instead of going to a breeder and i preach about it all the time.
But when my Jack Russell was killed in an extremely tragic way (he was caught and killed in an small animal trap) instead of rescuing again i decided that i needed to get my 'dream dog:' a Newfoundland, and a puppy.
So i went the breeder route after aways telling people to rescue. I felt guilty but also that i deserved a wonderful little puppy. I made sure i picked an extremely ethical breeder and i made a big donation to Jack Russell Rescue to ease my mind a bit.

Maybe you should make a donation of money or toys/food for the rats that you don't adopt.

Good luck with your new additions!

Good Karma said:
Maybe you should make a donation of money or toys/food for the rats that you don't adopt.

Tara, that is a fantastic idea. Thank you!

I have donated used cages to them in the past to use for chins/bunnies/ratties. I will definitely bring down some toys and food for them to give to the rats. They probably don't have a lot of rat specific stuff at all.
Okay so... BELLA is here!! Bella was the name given to her at the humane society, and we think it is pretty, so we are keeping it.

I am further ticked off at the humane society for making us wait almost TWO HOURS before they could find someone to go over the adoption with us.... especially when I already filled out all the paperwork this afternoon!! Grrr. But once I decided I was getting her, I definitely couldn't walk away.

Oh, and then.... after 2 hours when they finally bring out the contract for me to sign. They read through the case history and this is summary:

"Rats turned over on Nov. 22 by someone who said they couldn't afford them. Males and females housed together. Females possibly pregnant. Later: Females determined too young to be pregnant."

They are NOT too young to be pregnant. So I may have just gotten a 10 for 1 deal. Gawd, I hope not.

And there is no way she is 5 months old. When I got her home I realized there is no possible way. So, help me guess her age.... What age would you peg her at?? I keep wavering between 3 months or 4 months? It has been a year since I have had young rats. (BTW -- Notice her new friend :D TEVY! Tevy is so happy to have a friend who isn't picking on her and stealing her food.)





3 months I would say. She's the most adorable little thing Lise!! I knew a PEW Bella but yours is cuter. She even beats my nakie Bella...good name ;)

Now there's no guilt with getting your breeder rats. :thumbup: Are you able to find out how long they've been at the shelter? How old the males were? Or is that a 2 hour on hold phonecall? LOLOL
lilspaz68 said:
3 months I would say. She's the most adorable little thing Lise!! I knew a PEW Bella but yours is cuter. She even beats my nakie Bella...good name ;)

Now there's no guilt with getting your breeder rats. :thumbup: Are you able to find out how long they've been at the shelter? How old the males were? Or is that a 2 hour on hold phonecall? LOLOL

I actually wanted to name her Bianca (Yes, like in the movie the Rescuers :)) but Tom said he didn't like that name, he liked Bella... and well.... gotta keep the men happy!

The rats were all dropped off by the same person, on Nov. 22. I'm guessing they are all siblings.

There is a vet who used to work at one of the large exotics vets in my city, who just bought a practice out in more rural Manitoba. Probably only an hours drive away, or less. I just called and she is willing to do a rat spay for $110 + tax.... additional charges if she is indeed pregnant and the surgery is more complicated. So I am going to talk to Tom about an e-spay. As much as I would like to experience the joy of baby ratties well.... there already aren't enough homes for these sweeties.