REFERENCE Thread - Read Only

The Rat Shack Forum

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Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
Jul 21, 2007
central New Brunswick Canada
Forum Rules and a message from Jorats, the founder of this forum
Please read!

Recommended sites: (a vet approved medical site for rat owners),
Real Rat Lovers Want To Know
is a facebook group where rat owners can ask for medical advice. Some people have found this group to be helpful.

If no one responds to important Questions / Sending Messages
If No One Responds to Important Questions send individuals a message

Thinking of getting a rat? Things to consider and items you will need
Thinking of getting a rat? Things to consider

Health Guide: Quarantine
… how I learned the hard way
Quarantine!! (How I learned the hard way...)

Breeding Rats
Breeding Rats

Sexing - What sex is my rattie?

Introducing new rats
Introducing new rats

Rats need to live with at least one other same sex rat
Rats are social animals and must live with at least one other rat. Lone rats can become depressed, withdrawn, less friendly, frightened, stressed & ill, stop eating etc. Unfamiliar rats need to be gradually introduced.

Rehoming Rats

Rehoming a rat or accidental litter? Things to Consider.
Rehoming a rat or accidental litter? Things to Consider.

Taking Rats Outdoors
Taking Rats Outdoors ............. Or With You to Places
Rats Outside? - JoinRats

Posting with permission
If you take your small pet outdoors, please make sure that you keep it in an enclosure that has a secure top. No matter where you live there are predators, from hawks to dogs, even though you swear they cannot exist-- someone had a hawk swoop down in the middle of a city and take the rat from off of her shoulder. Hawks have the best vision of any animal-- they literally can see the movement of a rat or mouse from a mile away! And they can attain swooping speeds of 150 miles an hour. So she could not have prevented it even if she knew there were hawks within a mile. There were also three incidents of lost rats in rat groups last summer, and in every case the ending was tragic. It is better to be safe than sorry and keep your beloved babies in a playpen. Another thing to consider is bugs and parasites. Mosquitoes, ticks and other bugs are not picky as to who they will bite. If you are being bothered by them then chances are your wee friends are too. Also make sure that wherever you allow them to play there are no dangerous chemicals such as lawn fertilizer insect killer. These can be deadly to our little furry friends. One more danger is even the deadly virus Sendai, from wilds, which can wipe out your mischief. And lastly make sure to always provide your pets with shade and water. Even if it is in the low 70's it can still get very warm in the sun, and rats and mice get heatstroke, which can be fatal, very easily. For journeys we suggest to use a pet stroller.You can then take them for a walk without fear of any of the concerns I listed above. If your pet is prone to allergies or resp. issues, please keep it inside for its own health and safety.
Also...... many people do not realize that stores may have wild mice. Bringing your pet into these stores exposes your baby to airborne disease that wild rats carry as well as mites and other parasites. So we do not recommend bringing your pets out to stores either.
Posted with permission of Christine Fogu, LVT

- Ermines Bar Spacing - Ermines etc - predators that can enter your home
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Caring for Rats

Bedding to use in the cage

Care Guide: Cage Bedding & Litter
Health Guide: Ringtail
the use of pine and cedar the Rat Report and the Rat Report

Cage Size
- a base of at least 30 inches by 18 inches but bigger is better, with height and large levels. Horizontal space is essential.
- a cage needs to be at least 4 cubic feet in size (2 rats) with at least an additional 2 cubic feet for each additional rat more then 2 rats.
- Here is a cage calculator that will calculate the maximum number of rats that can live in a cage

1. Homemade bin carrier and temporary bin cage
Homemade bin carrier and temporary bin cage
2. Fixed up rabbit cages

Fixed up rabbit cages

3. Critter Nation cage pictures

- Problems with the Critter Nation that have killed ratties - things to watch out for
1. doors can fall off if accidently bumped from below, landing on and killing rats
2. poor welding causing a side bar on the stand to fall and crush ratties, causing death
3. baby getting trapped under a floor pan and killed
Tragedy in the Critter Nation (TW: Death)

Cages: Show Your Cage - pictures of various cages over the years
Show your cage
- martins cages: Have a Martins cage? Post pictures here!
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Caring for Rats

Handicapped rescue babies

Play areas


joinrats enrichment 1.jpg

joinrats enrichment 2.jpg

- PVC piping/tubes
pvc tubes.jpg


Taking Rats Outdoors

Taking Rats Outdoors ............. Or With You to Places
Rats Outside? - JoinRats

- Ermines
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Pregnancy, Birth, Orphans, Babies

Breeding Guide: Determining Pregnancy

Labour and Birth Breeding Guide: Labor and Birth

Labour Emergencies Breeding Guide: Labor Emergencies

Lactation and Milk Breeding Guide: Lactation and Milk

Maternal Behaviours Breeding Guide: Maternal Behaviors

Birth Trauma Breeding Guide: Birth Trauma

Birth Abnormalities Breeding Guide: Birth Abnormalities Articles

Orphans: Aspiration pneumonia and important care information for orphans, including Rescue Formula 2018
Infant rat, URI? Clicking

Orphans: Raising baby mice videos may also be helpful for raising baby rats

*** NEVER intro a baby to an adult unless you are carefully adding a baby to the nursing mama's litter during her absence - as all other adults will likely mistake the baby as prey and kill it.

Warning !! It has been reported that changes have been made to the Esbilac formula and it is now being linked to metabolic bone disease MBD. Babies rodents are reported to have broken limbs for no reason other than MBD from Esbilac formula.
Many sites linked on here list Esbilac as one of several suggested formulas. Do not use Esbilac anymore as the formula has been changed and is no longer safe. (The company disputes this.)
Fox Valley squirrel formula has been recommended as the best formula for orphaned baby rats by some sources. Organic soy infant formula, KMR, and the above Rescue formula are other suggested formulas.

AFRMA article on caring for orphans, 1998
AFRMA - Caring for Rat & Mouse Orphans

Rat & Mouse Gazette article on Caring for Orphaned Baby Rats or Mice, 1997
Rat & Mouse Gazette: Caring for Orphaned Baby Rats

Joinrats section on Raising Rat Orphans
Raising Rat Orphans - JoinRats
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Diet and Nutrition


Food Do's and Dont's including the Forbidden Foods list

Jorats' Suggestions regarding a Better Diet
Jorats : What I will do re diet - posted on October 6 2018

Nutritional Information - letter from a nutritionist working for Harlan Teklad
It is worth reading this entire letter
Harlan Teklad Q

The letter concludes with:
What are my suggestions when it comes to maximizing the life expectancy of your mouse or rat? Well, Dux hit this one right on the head. Excess weight gain is the enemy of longevity in mice and rats as it is in humans and all mammals. Excessive body weight will accelerate the onset of the diseases associated with old age which for many mice and rats is cancer. Long-term studies with mice and rats show that when the animals are restricted to 2/3 of what they would normally eat when allowed unlimited access to food that they live longer and the diseases associated with old age occur at a later age. If I had pet rats or mice, I would feed them diet 2014. It has a low level of protein compared to all other diets. Remember excess protein can cause kidney damage in aging mice and rats. Diet 2014 contains enough fat to meet the requirements for essential fatty acids but less fat than most other diets so the energy content is lower than most other diets as well. This diet was designed to be fed to mice and rats on long-term 2-year studies. Essentially the aims of the researcher feeding the diet to their research animals are closely aligned with the aims of the rat or mouse enthusiast. Avoid high calorie supplements such as nuts, chips and other junk foods which while tasty, encourage excessive weight gain. The mice and rats may still get fat on 2014 as they age. In general mammals given unlimited access to food increase their weight as they age. You can seek to restrict the diet if you wish or you can supplement their diet with high fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables. High fiber foods will fill their stomachs making them feel full but contributing little to their energy intake. However, make sure that in feeding these high fiber supplements that you do not displace the diet by more than 33%. The animal is relying on the diet to meet its nutrient requirements. The supplements are for enrichment and an attempt to reduce excessive weight gain. Also, place items in the cage which decrease boredom. If I put you in a room with nothing to do, but with food always available you are going to spend a great deal of time eating and drinking too.

In closing I just want to remind you of something that you already know. Mice and rats have a short life expectancy. By controlling body weight gain through energy restriction you are adding at best a few weeks or months on to their lives. But, the quality of their lives may vastly improve which I would say is what is truly important. Also, if you are breeding I would recommend 2018. Do not feed 2014 to breeding mice and rats. It is too low in protein and will lead to deficiency.

Chuck Benton, Ph.D.
Nutritionist/Technical Services

Nutrient Requirements of the Laboratory Rat
Nutrient Requirements of the Laboratory Rat - Nutrient Requirements of Laboratory Animals - NCBI Bookshelf
- For Estimated Nutrient Requirements for Maintenance, Growth, and Reproduction of Rats
the book can be downloaded free for personal use Front Matter | Nutrient Requirements of Laboratory Animals,: Fourth Revised Edition, 1995 | The National Academies Press

Protein and the China Study by Dr. Campbell :
the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted

the China Study by Dr Campbell : the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted

Glyphosate in food = fatty liver disease in rats
Glyphosate in food - fatty liver disease in rats

Do Not feed seaweed/nori (copied and posted with permission)
By Ann Richards: This is a personal experience but it is something to consider.
Please don't let them have the seaweed/nori. I nearly lost a rat to it. He got some sushi rice & seaweed as a treat. Nomming normally till he got to the seaweed. He had it get caught in his throat & as he drooled to get it to slide down, it started absorbing & expanding. He couldn't get it down or up & started turning blue. I called Sis to come over to hold him. I had a curved tip syringe that i carefully slid down his throat. I gently syringed out the small bits of seaweed as it is made up of pressed pieces of seaweed. I finally got most of it out. It was very scary, i thought i might lose him.
Please avoid giving yours the nori from sushi or the little rice crackers with the black seaweed wrapped around them. Please keep your ratties safe

Nutrition Information:
Cronometer: Track nutrition & count calories
Nutrient Requirements of the Laboratory Rat - Nutrient Requirements of Laboratory Animals - NCBI Bookshelf
The Ratio of Macronutrients, Not Caloric Intake, Dictates Cardiometabolic Health, Aging, and Longevity in Ad Libitum-Fed Mice
the Rat Report
Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen Checklist |

Canadian online store : Flower Town Chinchillas - Feed Supplies
and Online Rat Food shop for Canadians.

The super official VEGAN RECIPE thread. Rat Shack Approved!
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Medical Issues

Clinical Signs/Symptoms Guide

Rat Medical Cheat Sheet

Back Legs/Hind End Weakness/Paralysis

- link contains three videos by a vet (slides 31, 32, & 33)
- possible causes include: spinal damage, nerve degeneration, pinched nerves, kidney disease, often caused by a Pituitary Tumour

Rat Biology (etc)

Breathing Issues (a few possible causes)


* Pneumonia

* Cardiomyopathy

* Congestive Heart failure

- a tiny piece of dark chocolate can be used to try to keep an airway open until you can get to a vet, It does not cure anything and is only used in an emergency.
- a bronco dilator can sometimes help to keep an airway open as well. These are used with caution.

- some people recommend taking a rat into a steamy bathroom, however this is only done with extreme caution as if the rat has fluid in their lungs, steam will add more fluid to their lungs and make them much worse.

Buck Grease - quote: "Orange back: Some intact mature males can get an excessive build up of yellow/orange oils on the skin of their backs (a product of testosterone related sebaceous gland secretions)." from the Neutered male rats do not usually produce buck grease because their testosterone levels have dropped.

Bumble Foot

First Aid Supplies for Rats

Health Check:

Basic Health Check (weekly)

Advanced Health Check
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Medical Issues

Care of Hairless Rats

Health Guide: Congenital / Hereditary Alopecia Figure 3

Health Guide: Cataracts


Choking .jpg

….. a few chocking hazards: undiluted peanut butter or any other thick substance, nori/seaweed, small hard substances such as dried pea skins accessible after rats eat peas, etc
……. quote: "Head tucking and extending accompanied by drooling can indicate choking. " Health Guide: Advanced Health Check
……. quote: "If your rat can breathe and you're patiently waiting for the rat to clear the obstruction on his own - stay calm. It may take several hours for him to be able to accomplish this. Most rats will clear the obstruction without assistance within one to four hours. My cutoff time for allowing the rat to do it on his own is at about 12 hours. " Rat & Mouse Gazette: Medical Corner: Choking
…… if rats are unable to work the substance out, then they need to be taken to a vet as an emergency, as they can die without vet help.
……. stay with your rattie as they try to work it out in case they stop breathing
…… If a choking rat stops breathing: (the following quote if from Rat & Mouse Gazette: Medical Corner: Choking)
If the rat cannot breathe, it is imperative that you assist quickly. You can try the Heimlich maneuver, pressing sharply up and in underneath the rat's ribcage in an attempt to dislodge whatever is stuck in the throat, but I believe this to be dangerous if performed by someone who does not know exactly what he is doing. Another method, which Debbie Ducommun of the Rat Fan Club calls "The Fling" uses centrifugal force. This, too, can be dangerous, and should be done very carefully. Debbie's method is as follows:
"Hold your rat firmly around the neck with one hand, and by the base of the tail with the other to hold her securely. Make sure there are no objects within an arm's length. Lift the rat overhead and bring her down in a rapid arc, so that at the end of the path she's tail up and head down. This can be repeated three to four times, then give the rat a rest, check her breathing, and see if anything is visible in the mouth. This is extremely effective in dislodging objects in the throat. However, do NOT use this procedure if your rat can breathe, or you might make it worse."
Kidney Problems and prevention
Health Guide: Chronic Progressive Nephropathy

Dehydrated Rats
1. Oral Rehydration Formula
- Quote from Lilspaz68: "Homemade rehydrating formula: 10 oz warm water, 1 tsp sugar, 1/3 tsp salt. Mix well, refrigerate extra, warm up to feed."
PLEASE READ! My Toby keeps losing weight!
2. Intravenous or subcutaneous (sub-Q) fluids
- Your vet can do this. Your vet can also teach you how to do it and sell you the necessary supplies (25 or 27 gauge butterfly needles, single use large syringes with detachable single use needles, & a bag of fluid) Medication Guide: Fluid Therapy Articles

3. How to give sub-Q fluids
SubQ a dehydrated rat.

…… the BRAT diet - Banana, (brown is best) Rice, Applesauce and Toast
…… canned pureed pumpkin (Not canned pumpkin pie filling)
…… probiotics but not within 2 hours of giving antibiotics

- Inner Ear Infection Health Guide: Otitis Media, Otitis Interna / Labyrinthitis
- Auricular Polyps
How to give medication
- by syringe
Video of How *I* Syringe Meds into My Rats

Megacolon / High White
Health Guide: Megacolon
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* Rat & Mouse Gazette: Medication Usage Chart (July 2000)

* - if you search the name of a particular medication on you will get more detailed & up to date information on that particular medication as it relates to rats

* Dosage calculator

Baytril / Enrofloxacin



Gabapentin (given for pain or seizures) - can cause breathing problems and death in people according to the FDA

Pain Medication

- Metacam - from a vet is the best choice

- Ibuprofen (Infant Advil)

- Acetaminophen (Infant Tylenol)

- Both ADMINS Jorats and Lilspaz68 recommend infant Advil over infant Tylenol
I would use (infant) Advil over (infant)Tylenol. Tylenol is only good for pain and you have to give a ton of it. Advil is good for pain and inflammation and you use less to be effective.

Revolution/ Stronghold/ Selamectin
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Medical Issues

Health Guide: Seizures
Rat Help ASAP! Seizure?!

Skin Infection
1. Pyoderma
Health Guide: Pyoderma
from Lilspaz68: You will need appropriate antibiotics and pain/inflammation relief like Metacam (meloxicam). The antibiotics will need to be given for about a month, and the Metacam for almost as long. The lesions usually start off angry and orangey pink, then once the infection is being cured will turn to a cooler pink colour (I'll link pics below showing the difference). Then the healing really begins but slowly. The lesion could be dryer and pull and become itchy. You can use an ointment at that time and keep up the Metacam so they don't scratch the healing skin raw.

Faith's back angry and painful on July 13
Faith's back starting to really heal, cooler and pink on July 28

2. Dermatophytosis
Health Guide: Dermatophytosis

3. Ringworm
Spay/Neuter - Why Spay or Neuter Rats?
Why Spay or Neuter Rats?

Spay rats Spay 1 – Rat Guide

- Please see:

Surgery: Things to discuss before Surgery
Things to discuss before surgery

* Rat teeth:

teeth alignment.jpg

* Malocclusion and Trimming teeth:
Health Guide: Malocclusion

Vital Statistics for Rats (Physiologic Data, Environmental Requirements, Blood, etc)
Health Guide: Vital Statistics in Rats
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Poisoning and Heat

A-Z List Of Poisonous (and Toxic) Plants To Rats

A-Z List Of Poisonous (and Toxic) Plants To Rats - RatCentral

How to Save a poisoned animal
Remember, rats can not vomit and it is best to phone a veterinarian or a poison control center
How to save a poisoned animal - pawspeliongreece

Ideas for how to help your ratties deal with the HEAT

1) Ideas for how to help your ratties deal with the Heat
2) QUICK !!! HOT !!! RATS !!!

Heat Stroke: Reducing the Risk, Signs of Heatstroke, Treating Heatstroke, Seeking Vet Care

1) How to Prevent and Treat Heatstroke in Rats (with Pictures)
2) What can I do in hot weather to prevent heatstroke in my pet? – RSPCA Knowledgebase
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End of Life

Quality of Life Scale

Quality of Life Scale - Villalobos - JoinRats

A Veterinarian's Advice on Deciding If and When and How
1. Euthanizing a Pet Rat: A Veterinarian's Advice on Deciding If and When - Pilny - JoinRats
2. Compassionate Euthanasia of Pet Rats

B.C. vet urges owners to consider quality of life when pet is nearing death
B.C. vet urges owners to consider quality of life when pet is nearing death
B.C. vet urges owners to consider quality of life when pet is nearing death - Abbotsford News

How to Humanely Put a Rat to Sleep (pts)
Humane euthanasia can only be done by a veterinarian who knows how to do it properly.

- I can not seem to find the thread we have on this topic so putting this here:
Most vets do not know how to humanely put a rat to sleep (pts) so pet owners must make sure it is done properly , ask questions, advocate for your rattie, and be present if possible (holding, petting or talking to your rattie).

1. The rat is given the mix of oxygen and the gas used for surgery. If the rat is having breathing problems, this will often help them to breath easier. Rats will not like the smell but will become sleepy after a few breaths.
2, The rat needs to become deeply unconscious to at least a surgical level - the vet needs to check toe and eye reflexes to make sure
3. Then the rat is injected with the same drug that is used to put dogs and cats to sleep.
The vet may give the injection to an unconscious rat in various place such as the liver or abdomen or heart
4. The rat needs to stay unconscious until s/he has stopped breathing and their heart has stopped beating. This is done by continuing to give the rat the gas and oxygen mix until they have stopped breathing or until their heart has stopped beating (death)

IMPORTANT: Injecting a conscious rat into the heart is extremely painful and banned in some countries because it is so painful ..... but some vets think that is the way to pts.

A humane death to prevent further suffering is the last gift we can give our ratties
I am very sorry you and your rattie are going through this.
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End of Life
Reunions at the Bridge
[Author Unknown]

The young pup and the older dog lay on shaded sweet grass watching the reunions. Sometimes a man, sometimes a woman, sometimes a whole family would approach the Rainbow Bridge, be greeted by their loving pets and cross the bridge together.

The young pup playfully nipped at the older one. "Look! Something wonderful is happening!" The older dog stood up and barked, "Quickly. Get over to the path." "But that's not my owner," whined the pup, but he did as he was told.

Thousands of pets surged forward as a figure in white walked on the path toward the bridge. As the glowing figure passed each animal, that animal bowed its head in love and respect. The figure finally approached the bridge, and was met by a menagerie of joyous animals. Together, they all walked over the bridge and disappeared.

The young pup was still in awe. "Was that an angel?" he whispered. "No, son." The older dog replied. "That was more than an angel. That was a Rescuer."


Rescuer's Rainbow Bridge

Unlike most days at Rainbow Bridge, this day dawned cold and gray, damp as a swamp and as dismal as could be imagined. All of the recent arrivals had no idea what to think, as they had never experienced a day like this before. But the animals who had been waiting for their beloved people knew exactly what was going on and started to gather at the pathway leading to The Bridge to watch.

It wasn't long before an elderly animal came into view, head hung low and tail dragging. The other animals, the ones who had been there for a while, knew what his story was right away, for they had seen this happen far too often.

He approached slowly, obviously in great emotional pain, but with no sign of injury or illness. Unlike all of the other animals waiting at The Bridge, this animal had not been restored to youth and made healthy and vigorous again. As he walked toward The Bridge, he watched all of the other animals watching him. He knew he was out of place here and the sooner he could cross over, the happier he would be. But, alas, as he approached The Bridge his way was barred by the appearance of an Angel who apologized, but told him that he would not be able to pass. Only those animals who were with their people could pass over Rainbow Bridge.

With no place else to turn to, the elderly animal turned towards the fields before The Bridge and saw a group of other animals like himself, also elderly and infirm. They weren't playing, but rather simply lying on the soft green grass, forlornly staring out at the pathway leading to The Bridge. And so, he took his place among them, watching the pathway and waiting.

One of the newest arrivals at The Bridge didn't understand what he had just witnessed and asked one of the animals that had been there for awhile to explain it to him.

"You see, that poor animal was a rescue. He was turned in to rescue just as you see him now, an older animal with his fur graying and his eyes clouding. He never made it out of rescue and passed on with only the love of his rescuer to comfort him as he left his earthly existence. Because he had no family to give his love to, he has no one to escort him across The Bridge."

The first animal thought about this for a minute and then asked, "So what will happen now?" As he was about to receive his answer, the clouds suddenly parted and the gloom lifted.

Approaching The Bridge could be seen a single person and among the older animals, a whole group was suddenly bathed in a golden light and they were all young and healthy again, just as they were in the prime of life.

"Watch, and see.", said the second animal. A second group of animals from those waiting came to the pathway and bowed low as the person neared. At each bowed head, the person offered a pat on the head or a scratch behind the ears. The newly restored animals fell into line and followed him towards The Bridge. They all crossed The Bridge together.

"What happened?"

"That was a rescuer. The animals you saw bowing in respect were those who found new homes because of her work. They will cross when their new families arrive. Those you saw restored were those who never found homes. When a rescuer arrives, they are allowed to perform one, final act of rescue. They are allowed to escort those poor animals that they couldn't place on earth across The Rainbow Bridge."

"I think I like rescuers", said the first animal.

"So does GOD", was the reply.
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End of Life

The Rainbow Bridge

Lend me a Rat

Cute story written by a friend of "Lizzette Schley" :
Why Rats Are Only With Us a Short While

One day, some angels went to God and asked if
they might spend some time on Earth, to learn and perhaps to teach. He answered
that some of the people might be frightened of the angels, that His children's
idea of beauty might not be His own. The angels replied that maybe those who
could look past the differences deserved the blessings that they could give.
But God was still concerned. The angels needed Heaven's air to breathe; they
would suffocate down on Earth. The angels promised to hold their breath as long
as possible, and would return when they could not hold it anymore. God agreed
and sent down the angels.

Many people were frightened of these
creatures, despised them, and tried to kill them in large numbers. However, the
few who recognized the angelic qualities in the beings took them in and
sheltered and fed them. In return, they received more joy and laughter then
they could possibly imagine. But alas, soon the angels could hold their breath
no longer. After just a short Earth time, they left to go back to Heaven. But
they were sure to tell the next group of angels exactly who to seek out when
they went down.

Note: Debbie Ducommun - She had a lasting influence, particularly in the USA. While she did have some good info, other information was wrong, outdated, or abusive. The standards she promoted for rat care are far below the accepted standards of care promoted on this forum and among experienced rat owners.
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Rat Rescue:

This is a Rat Rescue forum

- where the adoption of rats from shelters, rat rescues and rats being rehomed is supported and encouraged. Many of the members of this forum are or have been involved in rat rescue. We do not support purchasing rats from stores or from breeders or the breeding of rats.

- Breeding rats Breeding Rats
discussion including respected, experienced rat owners/breeders
- Rat Mills Rat Mills

- Mill Seizure WARNING - Graphic, Heartbreaking Content - Mill Seizure

Rescue Explained:
Rescue Explained
Rescue and breeding should never be done in the same home. It simply is not safe.
Rescuing can only be done safely if the rescuer has a separate place (not in the same home) to quarantine new animals. That being said, even a good quarantine will not weed out many bacterial pathogens.
Bottom line is that the more rats that you have from different sources the more likely you are to have illnesses within the colony.
So our members tend to keep their numbers fairly low and incoming rats at a minimum. Here in the states we deal with a lot more viral illness than in Canada (where most of the rescues on this forum seem to be located).


Rescuing Rats found Outdoors?
Rescuing rats found outdoors

2008 Moncton Rat Train by the Rat Shack ...Never say Never...
2008 Moncton Rat Train...Never say Never...
Rat Shack members purchase CN and supplies for SPCA rats 2012

Reviving the ratshack member's donated CN 2015
Reviving the ratshack member's donated CN

Rescue Effort 2013
Rescue Effort Feb 2013
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Behaviour Cheat Sheet

- Rat Behaviour
Rat Behavior

- Normal Rat Behaviours (including body language and fear)
Rat Behaviors

- Changing Behaviour
(Aggressive Rats, Clicker Training, Litter Box Training, Trust Training)
Modify Rat Behavior

Cats - rats that are not afraid of cats may have a brain parasite
Why are some rats not afraid of cats?

- Rats dream of the future Rats Dream of the Future
- Article Rats dream about the places they wish to go
- Research Hippocampal place cells construct reward related sequences through unexplored space

Play - Normal Rat Play or Aggression?
Normal Play Behavior in Rats - JoinRats

Sensory World - Rat Sensory World
- Vision What Do Rats See?
- from a rat's perspective Rat Cam
- Touch/Whiskers The world through a rats whiskers
Hearing with whiskers
- Smell The world through a rats nose
- Hearing What do rats hear?
- Taste Tasting Food
- Journey into a rat's world Journey into a rat's world
- Under a black light Rats under a black light

Trust - Earning Trust

Trust, Training, & Playtime
Care Guide: Training & Playtime
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