really scared about intros.. i need advice

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Nova Scotia, Canada
So i posted a little while ago about how Oreo gave Luke a bite on the shoulder. And had a few squabbles.

I'm really nervous about Intro's with Oreo and the other boys. Luke is king rat, and Oreo seems to have that title as well. I've never had trouble into-ing rats before, but this guy seems like he's going to be a tough one. I think even if intro's go well, i'll be nervous of fights breaking out in the cage.

Advice? It'd be much appreciated. :)
have you tried working up with the ranks? have the new rattie get familiar with the lowest rank and go up from there. im a new rat owner so i don’t know much. or place their cages in viewing point of both the rats so they can see each other. or the bath tub, place them in 3 times a day till they get used to each other-(keep monitored) i hope this helps
I think i missed the last posts about Oreo and Luke.

Did you intro them one-on-one.. like.. just the two of them or was there more rats there and it was just them two that had issues?
I can see why you are nervous. I'd be nervous too. lol
You've got quite an established colony and it might be challenging to add an older rat to the mix.
But it's always worth a try. You'll need to have it on neutral ground, no toys, no blankets, no hiding places... a big bowl of yummy food and watch them... when one makes a move towards Oreo, you must be at the ready, you need to be the boss and for the first few times do not let them get on top of anyone. Have a towel ready so you can throw it on them if need be.
I'm hoping it works out.
I hate having Oreo alone.

I'm pretty sure Tracy told me that Oreo had a friend named Cookie who past away some time ago. And she never got him a friend afterwards.
You have come to the right place for intro's. There are afew people on here that I consider to be pro's.......and I can honestly say.....I'm NOT one!! Stick with it and follow instruction and you will be OK. Good luck! :D