Rattie stalker

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Guelph, ON
So this is a tail, lol...

Most of you know the story behind this. But anyway. It's Elphie's night to take the hamster cage. I don't like them in there so whoever has to spend the night there gets more free time. Anyway, Elphie's become really attached to me, as I've mentioned, since she was attacked. But now that she's out and about, I'm literally being stalked! I have to take my laptop and hide until she sniffs me out. Just now I was behind a bookcase and after about five minutes I thought I was safe as I ditched her on my bed (I can't type with her typing with me or climbing on my hands!). But then I peeked over the edge of the moniter to see her head sticking out from the other side of the bookcase, quietly watching me. The movement made her leap towards me and then all over me.

I wish I had a photo of that face, it was so creepy and still. :lol:

Anyway, I thought I'd share. It's cute to an extent. I mean, Cody's cage door was never closed except when I went to bed. But she at least respected my space bubble. :lol: When working at my desk she'd sleep like a cat beside the papers, not clambor all over me without settling!
lol, I know what you mean, if I'm writing on my laptop, I have to be away from the rats or else they all want to write on the laptop.
But... that was just soooo cute, with your little one following you all over like that. You should know you can't hide, they've got one heck of a nose on them. :lol:
Aw that's so sweet. I can't let ours roam around the house, so many wires and so many places to hide. But I like to put a blanket down on the bed and lie with them. It's cute when they run around and then come running back to you.
I wish I could let my girls freerange like that.

Cute story, though.... a rattie stalker I don't think I'd mind so much!
Lol eerie music could easily be set to it ;D She had a lean to it too, lol.

They're so responsive to voices too! When my mother popped her head into my room and saw me behind the bookcase I had to put a finger to my mouth. If I talked I'd be done for. :lol:

Cody was free range only because she wasn't a chewer at all. Now these girls on the other hand...my iPod headphones have suffered a great deal last night. -_- And this is after I tape the wires high up on the wall. Of course I forget my iPod on the dresser. Doh.
My problem is food - and Savannna, She has the run of the bedroom so I'm never sure where she is. If I open a bag of chips or anything ever-so-silently she must smell it cause she's right there and going nuts!
You're dealing with Ephie's supersonic hearing I guess, I'm dealing with a nose that knows. I've tried to fool her by crinkling newspaper when I open a chip bag - no go.

I can almost understand why non-rat-folk find them creepy.
My friend is trying to get me to adopt one of her guinea pig babies and I tried explaining that I find them a touch creepy, lol. She doesn't get it as she's terrified of rats and knows I love them. :lol:

Elphie/Brie also go by sight. If they're not sure it's me I stand perfectly still...one small movement and they'll bound over. But yes those ears! I guess being a little bigger with the Dumbo makes it better. :lol:

I'm not sure what I did to deserve it. Really, I give wound treatment and provide food and treats. They don't seem to like being petted, they prefer to cuddle. So from their end I don't see why I'm so great! Or maybe it's a game...find the human ;)