Rats destroying setup

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Ok, I expected it. It's no big deal. But it would be nice to look in and see the litter box right side up, and the house not on it's side.
I am using a towel on the bottom until I get newspaper, then I'm just going to layer the bottom with paper. The litter box is makeshift for now, it's cardboard, but will be replaced with a plastic corner one. Are they more untippable? And one last thing, do your rats have a blankie? Mine do, but they love to keep it in the litter. Is this normal? They used to keep it in the house until I gave them a litter box.

Thanks for any help.
Mine tear cardboard to shreds :) I have had no problem with plastic litterpans, they always stay in place from what I've found. Mine also tip over their houses.. so I don't know if there really is any stopping it :lol: I use fleece to line the bottom of my cages, but the rats just pull it up and push it into their houses like blankets.
Ok, I would absolutely love to see a rat cage that hasn't just been cleaned. just so I know I'm not doing a horrid job, and mhy rats are normal. I've only seen pics where the rats cages are perfect, with the lining all intact and the litter not tipped, ect. So you've given me hope that this is normal, but I really would like a pic, just to see that my rats are normal.
My girls love to drag around their blankies.. stuff them in the roll-a-nest, hide the food dish with them, drag them into the hammocks for extra cuddling

I wake up some mornings and the entire thing is in complete disarray. fleece pulled up from the shelves, cardboards destroyed and dishes on their sides. So, you truly are not alone!
Ha! Good luck trying to get anyone to own up to having a messy rat cage! :noway: I always make sure everything is tikity-boo before I take a picture. I'm not providing evidence to show that I'm a BAD MOMMY! :scolding: :oops:


Once you install the plastic litter box attach it to the cage with something that suits you. Most people seem to use twist ties but I like spring clamps myself. I also use the old style metal shower rings when the basket is wire. They clip and unclip in a second making for easy cleaning and they keep the basket upright weather your rats like it or not! :nahnah:

Also, if you think that newspaper is going to stay in place you're in for a surprise! :laugh4: You're going to find out how much paper will fit in a house and/or hammock!

Good luck & happy cleaning!!
Ok, I've been scouring sites, and found some great ideas. Mostly from one site actually. I'm gonna stick with towels and use velcro. And then hope. As for the litter box, more velcro. That is until my hubby builds my big cage, then we'll use clips or something more secure.

Well, even if you won't post pics, I will believe you. Thank you for admitting defeat to rats. I will let mine know that they aren't alone.
Mine are actually pretty good with leaving sections of newspaper in place, tho they do like to tear off strips to cover their food bowls and put in their hidey-houses (I suspect when someone's peed in there), so I also give them some torn-up pieces to use for that and it helps keep the sheets in place longer.
Ok, I would absolutely love to see a rat cage that hasn't just been cleaned. just so I know I'm not doing a horrid job, and mhy rats are normal. I've only seen pics where the rats cages are perfect, with the lining all intact and the litter not tipped, ect. So you've given me hope that this is normal, but I really would like a pic, just to see that my rats are normal.

Oh, BELIEVE me, I feel that way too! :D I always see people with pictures of spotless cages, and my guys' cage is well... less than spotless, most times.

ETA: I had gone through a recent 'phase' of velcroing polar fleece to the bottom of the cage. Look-wise it was nice, but I found it very hard to keep clean, as I have four boys, and boys are smelly. They also discovered how to chew the velcro... so... hopefully you'll have better luck! I'm back to filling the bottom of the cage with yesterday's news.
I used tape last night to attach the towel, and the only one bugging it was China (female). But this morning it was still basically in place. So I think I'll have better luck with it, especially if just the boys are in there.
I gave them a make-shift hammock, and everyone ignored it! I've been hearing so much how rats love hammocks, so I think mine are a bit odd.
I used to a take a small handdrill and drill holes into plastic food dishes, backs of litter pans and twist tie them to the side of the cage :)

This one might make you feel better. I had just relocated the Punks (I have nicknames for all my cages/groups) and they decided to pull my bed comforter through the bars and redecorate with the stuffing. :roll:


This is what my Horde does...


(they now have heavy ceramic bowls)

This was an FN pan :shock:


And THIS is what happens to most hammocks


Let your kiddo's check out the hammie for a bit first. Then if they still aren't using it there are ways of teaching them how wonderful hammies are :D
Thanks for the pics. I have now figured I'm going to be in the habit of tidying up everyday. Whether or not I use velcro.
Something really wierd though, I had two rats before, they had this same cage and houses, ect. Well one is a small wood house, and they never touch it. Not to chew or anything, and neither do these rats. They do love the dog bone my hubby gave them.
I got them a wheel today (which won't fit the current cage), and a thick plastic chain to hang. I know my mice liked chain, lets hope they at least check it out.
I would win! I have these god-awful old galvanized cages that look like hell but I keep using them cause the rats seem happy in them. Plus I'm waiting for Western to start making the Rat Nation. I just know in my heart that if I invest in FN's the RN's will come out a week later. :roll:
My rats pulled my brides-maids dress through the bars and tore a nice round peek-hole out of the breast area. I almost had a cow.

But they are generally very messy and smelly, pulling shredded paper all over their ramps and peeing on hammocks and bedding (NOT in the litter pan), etc.