Rat chats? Lol

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Active Member
Jul 30, 2014
Question for all, I have had Bella out and about more so she has free play times. Sometimes she makes the like chirping/chattering noises. Is this normal it's so cute but I need to make sure she's ok lol. Any advice would be great!:treadmill:
It doesn't happen very often, and it's so light I can't record it. She seems full of pep when she does it, we. Play like hide and seek on her blankie. What is bruxxing?
Hiya! :)

We're pretty much trying to figure out if it is normal, happy rat noises, or if it may be a respiratory bug. Bruxing is something rats do when they feel happy/pleased-- they bulge their eyes out and rub their teeth together.
Just as Aida said. Rats can make a chirping noise that's a sign of illness specifically respiratory issues.

Bruxing is when rats grind their front teeth together. It's usually a sign that rats are happy. They may or may not boggle at the same time. Boggling is when their eyes bulge in and out. Again it's a sign that rat(s) are happy.

Here's an example of bruxing (chattering) and bogling (eyes). This is apparently a rather happy furball.
Ok now I understand. She is bruxxing but not bulging her eyes that I notice. It seems to happen when she's very active and playing hide and seek. Thank you all for your help. Me being a newbie to rats, I'm learning so much from all!:flowers4U: