Rat baths

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Red dragon

New Member
Jan 16, 2009
Hi everyone,

Is it ok to wash my rats (with very mild, organic kitten soap) every 2 days when I clean their cage? Sometimes I will skip it and then wash them on the 4th day. I just want to make sure I am not over doing it.

Thanks for all the help,
I'm sure rats take it as a sign of agression from you if you force them to take a bath. Most rats wont voluntarily jump in a sink of soapy water and let you bathe them. I have a male who has orange grease on his fur that i bathe only once it gets bad (2 months or so)because it stresses him out too bad.

why is this in rescues and shelters?
I dont't think rats really need baths unless they get into something sticky or stinky. As much as rats groom bathing them isn't really neccessary. I really only bath mine during the very warm summer months just to cool off their little bodies. I just don't enjoy having my harms shredded by little manic ratty claws as they scream and squeak like they are being tortured. I guess it is just a matter of choice.
That's way too often. Rats really don't need baths, but if very smelly, like if they got into something or got covered in blueberries, then it's ok, make sure to dilute the kitten shampoo. But if you want to give them time to play in the water, you can do so just skip the shampoo... I wouldn't do it too often though. It could really dry out their skin and in turn make them produce an excess of sebum. (buck grease)
Baths, maybe every few months, play in the water, maybe once a week.
I have never bathed my rats. Once I almost did because Ruby had mites and she had been rolling around in the litter trying to scratch. She smelled so bad, however I didn't have any shampoo at the time to do it. We checked her the next day and she was all clean and smelling sweet again.
Rats are like cats, they groom themselves and one another.
There is no reason to bath them.

Some people with unneutered adult boys will wash them once every month or two to get off the "buck grease" but that isn't necessary either, just their personal choice.

If it is warm, you can put a bit of water in a shallow container, add some peas and let them go fishing for peas ... if you are looking for water play.
I have only bathed my rats once.........they had all marinated in a clear tubbing toy for the day and they were pretty stinky........I used diluted kitten shampoo and took it slow and gentle and they didn't seem to mind a bit.....but it isn't something I would do very often.......