Rat acting very unusual

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New Member
Aug 31, 2019
Hello, I have posted before on this forum about a rat named Bandit who had been having trouble breathing. I put a humidifier near him, and the first night it worked well, but the other nights it didn't seem to change anything. I've had Bandit for about 1 year and 4 months, but when I got him he was probably about 8 months old. He lives alone. For the past week he wouldn't eat his food (Mazuri) or seeds while I am in the room. When I give him a treat (sweet potatoes meant for rodents) he also won't eat until I'm gone. He keeps having 'hiccups' while he is on his litter box and yesterday he had trouble cleaning his rear after he pooped (it was messier than usual). Today he was on his litter box sleeping, and I quietly walked in the room to check on him when he jumped up from his litter box and ran into a popcorn box he uses as his 'nest' and then jumped up on the walls and back down to his litter box and looked at me, all startled. I can't take him to the vet, so is there anything else I can do for him? Thanks in advance.
I think your rat needs a friend. Rats can't live alone. He may just be becoming antisocial. Try giving different treats than the ones you can buy at petstores like the sweet potato snacks because sometimes they contain weird or harmful ingredients. Try uncooked pasta, veggies, crackers, pretzels, etc.

If he is having any respiratory distress, your ONLY option is to take him to a vet. If money is an issue, the petsmart vet hospital is very cheap. Your first visit will be $40 (or free if someone can recommend you) and medicine, depending on what it is, will be about $35-$50. I was able to get doxycycline and baytril for $40 one time.

Try socializing with him more and getting him out to play. He may not be eating because he is lonely.
I'd be VERY limited on the crackers and pretzels. Both have a lot of salt, which isn't good for them, and both can be a choking hazard. Try fresh veggies, plain cheerios, I have used plain rice crispies, given one at a time, I also use baby puff snacks (sparingly) organic unsalted pumpkin seeds, plain yogurt (you can start out with a little on a spoon, then make the handle shorter, then move to your fingers, then palm). But he DEFINITELY needs a friend or two! That will help him a lot. Also hiccups aren't necessarily bad. Mine get them when they get over excited. You can also take video of his breathing, post it on YouTube and copy and paste the link on here, so we can see how he's breathing, and help from there.
I completely agree with Dena. A much better snack list than I was able to come up with :p
You need to get medicine for him as soon as possible. If he starts gasping for air or running frantically to get air, you will need to put him down because at this point he is suffering.
He can definitely be treated at this point and he will recover, but only if he sees a vet.
Call around to vets tomorrow morning when they open and check and see who accepts rats.
Before you leave, make sure they are giving you at least 6 weeks (8 weeks being the best) of antibiotics.
If you can, post here to let us know what medicine they gave you. Hopefully they give you a combination of Baytril (Enrofloxacin) and Doxycycline.
For the time being, a SMALL amount of dark chocolate can help relieve respiratory distress. I recommend giving a size smaller than a pea. Make sure he has a source of warmth such as a heating pad under one side of the cage or a rice sock (tie off a sock full of rice and microwave it).
I could be wrong, but that sounds mostly nasal right now. Keep a close eye on him, and get meds ready to give him in case. Lilspaz may be of more help.
I will put a warm rice-sock in the cage, but I have tried and tried to get a vet for him but I can't in my area. I am putting many toys and fleece in there for Bandit to sleep in and play in. Thank you for all the help and hopefully I will be able to help Bandit very soon!
Rats can die very fast from respiratory infections, keep a close eye on him. If you let us know what area you are in, we can help you find a vet that will take rats
Hello, I have posted before on this forum about a rat named Bandit who had been having trouble breathing. I put a humidifier near him, and the first night it worked well, but the other nights it didn't seem to change anything. I've had Bandit for about 1 year and 4 months, but when I got him he was probably about 8 months old. He lives alone. For the past week he wouldn't eat his food (Mazuri) or seeds while I am in the room. When I give him a treat (sweet potatoes meant for rodents) he also won't eat until I'm gone. He keeps having 'hiccups' while he is on his litter box and yesterday he had trouble cleaning his rear after he pooped (it was messier than usual). Today he was on his litter box sleeping, and I quietly walked in the room to check on him when he jumped up from his litter box and ran into a popcorn box he uses as his 'nest' and then jumped up on the walls and back down to his litter box and looked at me, all startled. I can't take him to the vet, so is there anything else I can do for him? Thanks in advance.
I know you said you can't take him to a vet, but if you don't he is going to die soon, from a horribly, terrifyingly frightening and awful death. Please find a way to get him to a vet for your ultimate act of love for him. I have explained this too many times and can't do it again, but his response to your entering the room is due to a combination of being abruptly awakened and having VERY end stage respiratory illness. When they can't get enough oxygen to support just living, as in their basic cell functions, brain activity, and all bodily functions on a molecular level, they start to gasp for air, lying with their head stretched straight out to help obtain more oxygen, and near the end, they go a bit frantic trying to find a way to get oxygen. Unfortunately this not old, so that means he was never treated for his illness. Please read up on Mycoplasmosis in rats and next time you will recognize the signs early on and treat him. You can NOT clear rats of Myco, but you can knock down the flare-ups and allow them to live their full lives. Rats should NEVER make any sound from breathing. Anyway, your guy is very very sick, and doesn't have long. He is in severe distress. He needs to be PTS immediately, before his frantically trying to find oxygen ends a few minutes later with him coming to you for help and dying in your hands. Please don't fail him. If you love him (or even if you don't, you are still responsible for him. Anyway, this is your final act of love and kindness. Please do not leave him to suffocate! It's an extremely horrid death.
You need to get medicine for him as soon as possible. If he starts gasping for air or running frantically to get air, you will need to put him down because at this point he is suffering.
He can definitely be treated at this point and he will recover, but only if he sees a vet.
Call around to vets tomorrow morning when they open and check and see who accepts rats.
Before you leave, make sure they are giving you at least 6 weeks (8 weeks being the best) of antibiotics.
If you can, post here to let us know what medicine they gave you. Hopefully they give you a combination of Baytril (Enrofloxacin) and Doxycycline.
For the time being, a SMALL amount of dark chocolate can help relieve respiratory distress. I recommend giving a size smaller than a pea. Make sure he has a source of warmth such as a heating pad under one side of the cage or a rice sock (tie off a sock full of rice and microwave it).
You said EXACTLY what I said more or less. Question: is he still eating and drinking? If not, he's likely dehydrated. Try giving him chocolate Ensure (9grams of protein shake), but give it in a rounded bottom bowl, or, just pour some on a big plate that he can stand on. He will probably not be able to drink from his food bowl anymore without risking inhaling the fluid. As for food, I wouldn't worry about it, he will be gone very soon by looks of it. If he refused the Ensure, give him whipped cream and/or warmed and thawed peas, preferably the big peas, not petite, that come frozen in bags. Don't cook them, just thaw and warm up a small bowls worth. The high water content will help to hydrate him enough to stay alive until you can get him to a vet. And don't use the "2 injections method" to euthanize, only do the gas method. It's much easier for vet's and therefore less chance for error to cause a painful death. Please PLEASE help him cross over before it becomes a tragedy. Thank you for your understanding and compassion.
He is still eating and drinking water, but if he stops I will definitely try to do Ensure or the peas. Thank you so much for all of your help and I will do my best to help Bandit; I love him very much and would never want anything bad to happen to him. Thank you again!