PT vs. Ear Infection

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2008
Does anyone have a good list of symptoms explaining the differences between PT & a an ear infection?

We had to take our nekkie boy Milo into the vets today. He was fine when he & cagemates were out on Sunday, but hubby found him wedged between the cage wall and igloo all tilty last night.
Poor Milo, he was so scared. He was doing the spinning thing which just breaks my heart. When we hold him he calms down and stops spinning but is still tilty.

Last night we "burrito'd" him and he slept in a small travel cage between us and did very well, actually. Whenever I checked on him ( every 5 minutes it felt like) he was sleeping peacefully, normally. I've been feeding him Ensure,water, baby food.... with a syringe. He is eating like a little pig so his appetite is good. He does better if I feed it thru the travel cage because he hangs onto the bars w/ both hands to steady himself. He is also drinking from the water bottle on his own. It's only when he gets stress that he really starts spinning & circling.

The vet said she thinks its probably PT because she didn't see anything in his ears indicating infection. She put Milo on Prednisone, Doxy & Enrofloxacin. She's a great vet but most of her rat experience has come from our babies. I have had 1 other baby pass from PT. Orla was a lot worse than this. I am really hoping its an ear infection that we can clear up. So, I thought I would check here to see what anyone else has to say.

Milo is not quite a year old yet, has never been sick, always active and is an absolute sweetheart. I can't stand for him to have to go thru all of the stress and panic :sad3:
PT is usually much more gradual with its symptoms but inner ear infections can happen fast! The vet may not see or even smell anything in the ear but that never rules it out...those ears are very deep :)

You have him on all the good stuff...I hope your dizzy little man feels better soon and the tilt resolves well. :)
A year old is awfully young for PT, so I'd vote for an ear infection. I don't think that the infection would be visible, since it is the inner ear that is affected. Your vet's treatment will work for either condition.

PT usually has other symptoms, e.g. the inability to grasp with the front paws. Lilspaz68 has some very informative posts with videos showing the typical PT symptoms.
Thanks, all!
That's why I'm hopeful - it came on so quick, he has a healthy appetite and I just gave him a yogie and he sat on his butt and ate it with both hands. These symptoms seem to lean more towards ear infections then PT.
With Orla I could see the gradual symptoms but with Milo it was like boom! I get really freaky when they do the spinning thing - it's just so horrible!
Right now he's in a major cleaning session and not falling over. (Momma got him covered in baby cereal by accident :giggle: ) but he's also cleaning & digging in his left ear a lot so here's hoping the antibiotics & steroids will do the trick!
Good luck. My Clara had a very bad ear infection just after I got her. The meds had her back to normal in a few days, although I kept her on the antibiotics for the recommended three weeks.
Milo seems to be doing a little better today. Still very tilty but not so spinny. More active and moving about on his own. I hope by tomorrow the meds really kick in.

Found out that he's a closet Daddy's boy though. :stickpoke: When we first got him he was very much a Momma's boy - one of my "Boob" boys. Now, when I hold him he gets all spazzy but calms right down when hubby holds him. Oh well, as long as he isn't stressing, thats the main thing I guess.