potting were they sleep

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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2009
Ohio USA
i tried doing a search on this but nothing came up. i am trying to litter box trian my 2 8 week old girls and it is not going well. they ONLY potty in their hammocks were they SLEEP. it is really gross because that is also were they stash their food tooand eat too. and when i give them lovens they STINK!!. is there anything i can do to change this. i have taken out most of the hammocks but left them their ball ( that is the one they sleep in the most and can be cleaned the easiest) i change their beding in the ball everyday but the minute i change it 1 of the girls goes in and pees. is there a reason for that...? if you can give me any idaes on how i can stop this or what i need to do to break the habit that would be great. i want to bath them but i now that would be to much washing and dry their coats out. also is there a way i can clean them without bathing them? thanks so much.
Litter box training is really only good for poos. As far as rats are concerned, anything is fit to pee on. They are constantly scent marking.. the best thing you can do is change their hammocks every day or other day.

As for bathing, you can use unscented baby wipes for quick wipe downs. Anything more than that is really only necessary for the seriously icky rat.
Spaying them might help?d My girls are spayed and I hardly ever see them scent mark.......They hardly ever pee anywhere besides there litter box......
plus in addition to what has already been written, they are still babies and it takes awhile for babies to catch on to using the litter box.
:nahnah: My "almost 10 week old" boys use their potties! (Knock on wood~for now :giggle: ) They do pee in the 2 corners on the bottom level that doesn't have potties also but I'm picking up 2 more potties soon. (The corner kind w/high backs) Rizzo(the oldest) and I taught them in about a week or so. I would pick up the their little poos(with a tissue) and put them in the potties. I haven't ever smelled pee on any of their fleece and I stick my nose to it. I clean up the corners 2-3 times a day for now and their potties every other day. (Their bottom level is solid floor that I keep bare so I can clean it regularly) They have fleece on every shelf/level, hammocks, and a actually kitty bed they like to sleep in.
Yeah, anything is fair game for a rat to pee on. Litter training can take some time, but they catch on. If you're a real stickler for smell then I'd say wash the hammocks every couple of days, or get a few sets and keep switching them out.
ya i now about the peeing but it is the pooping too that is kind of gross :wallbang: i know they are still babies but why would they poop and pee were they sleep. for know i am going to keep the hammocks out fo the cage...like i said they have a hanging ball that they LOVE..and i'll just change the bedding but i hope that will not be like that for long.

smalltowngirl... :rant: just rub that in... :D glab your boys got it. i have only been working on it for 1 1/2 weeks..lol (anything to make myself feel better..lol)

dahlas...spaying will not be an option unless it is a need. it is to expansive and will not pay that unless it is a medical issue. but sence the girls are health and spaying in not needed....it woud be cheaper to go and get A LOT of hammocks..lol. thanks to the suggestion though.

thanks for all your suggestions. hoping the girls will get sooner than latter..lol wish me luck!!
smalltowngirl... :rant: just rub that in... :D glab your boys got it. i have only been working on it for 1 1/2 weeks..lol (anything to make myself feel better..lol)

I can't take all the credit....Rizzo has helped A LOT with everything w/ his new little brothers! He has been a neat & tidy little guy since day one of living with us. :heart:
shoptowngirl....that is great. your going to have to post pictures of your new boys and Rizzo. i will be getting a saimese girl here at christmas time if everything goes well. :happydance: