Please help, first time owner, think i've made a mistake, my rats don't like me?

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Junior Member
Aug 7, 2014
Hampshire, UK
So, five days ago I got my first pet rats, they are coming up to eleven weeks old, and are all sisters. There are three of them - dove, ruby and dany. Dany is a dumbo, whilst ruby and dove are your average top eared rats, all three are white with red eyes (although they have darker noses, so I dunno if you would call them albino?)

Anyway, I got them on saturday at a pet shop, I held them and was told they were all friendly, was told the cage I had was fine, so I purchased them and took them home, set up their cage, and left them to settle in.

Since then, I've found out they can escape from their cage, and have had to block most of the cage off (the cage has a gap of 2.5cm) to stop them from getting out, I've also tried handling them since around sunday night, but they never seem to want to come to me/stay on my lap, they'll stay on my shoulder for a little while but are soon off again. I feel like I made a mistake getting girls, and should've gone for boys, as I hear boys are more friendly, but I was assured they were all friendly :/

Am I doing something wrong to make them not like me? I'm trying to bond with them, but it feels like they just don't want to know me, and I feel stupid for getting upset over this, but I don't want them unhappy because they're stuck with an inadequate owner who they don't like.
Please help, can you lend some advice to a guy who is feeling pretty rubbish about how he's doing?

These 3 look like himalayans to me.. white body with the 'dirty' brown noses, very cute! Do the girls have names yet?

As for not liking you, they just need time to adjust to their new home and new people. That's good that you're handling them lots though - keep that up! And from what you described, it doesn't really sound like they don't like you at all! Girls are usually quite adventurous and like to run around and explore, rather than sit still for long periods of time. If they're climbing on you and sitting on their shoulder, it sounds like they're pretty accustomed to you already! Just keep up what your doing. To help things along, you can always offer yummy treats. Rats are very food motivated :p

If you want to be able to hold them rather than watch them run around, I'd suggest handling them even more after play time, when they're more tired out. Just put them on a sofa or bed with some hiding spots and they'll probably fall asleep next to you soon enough! You can try feeding something like yogurt or baby food from a spoon. That way they have to stay by you in order to get their treat.

Another popular method is the 'down the shirt' method.. Grab a rat and put them down your shirt (make sure you wear an undershirt to avoid scratches/being peed on) and let them chill out in there for a bit. That way they'll get used to your scent but still feel safe since they're in a dark, enclosed space.

If they're escaping from their cage, the bars are too far apart. Especially for females (and even more so young females) 1 inch/2.5 cm spacing is probably too large. You'll either need to cover the cage with wire mesh or invest in a cage with smaller bar spacing

Good luck!
Sounds like you're doing fine honestly. My boys aren't any more 'friendlier' than your girls when I first got them. They'll come back to investigate you on their own time but most rats love to explore and run around, especially when they're young! Try having them on your bed and sit there with them, they'll come up to you to know who you are once in a while. And remember, lots of treats. Ratties always come back to you if you have something yummy!
Treats are the best. You can buy love. You can buy it in yogurt treats. It's a good tool to coax them out and to get them to trust you. And the previously mentioned shirt method is good for bonding. Them sitting on your shoulder is a good sign, though. They trust you.

Keep in mind, you just got them. They're in a brand new home with all sorts of new smells and things to explore. Their first instincts will be to run and explore. Follow them around. Sit on the floor and wait for them to get curious and come to see you. Let them crawl on you. Most rats love human jungle gyms.

Also remember that they all have different personalities. Some are readily affectionate. Some take a while to warm up. Some never become big on cuddles and human time. You'll just have to wait and see what they're like. And girls are just wonderful. I've always preferred female rats. They may take a little longer to get used to you, but they're worth it. And yours are beautiful.
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Hi Lost Boy and Welcome!

As the others have already said, don't worry about your always takes a bit of time for ratties to get used to a new home and things can be scary for them at first. It sounds like they are actually already doing wonderfully, considering you just got them home!

Lots of patience, talking to them in a soothing voice and letting them get used to your smell, your voice and their surroundings and they will get more comfortable each day. Just let them explore, sit by them, let them come to you and check you out and of course, treats are great for bonding! Just take it nice and easy and I am sure your girls will fall in love with you, guaranteed!

They are pretty little ladies! Keep us posted on how things go! And yes, the spacing on the bars is a bit too wide, so taking the advice that someone already gave you about how to remedy that is a good thing. Hang in there, you are doing fine!
If the don't fear poop, then they just wanna explore! What worked for me (even with terrified feeder babies) Let them play on your bed or the couch with you for long amounts of time. I know it sounds a little risky but I've always done it, if you have a safe room they should be fine. Once they tire out they most likely will lay on you or beside you. Also if they clean yourself on you, thats a good sign. :)
Great suggestion from Minnieflower...letting them explore on your bed or a couch lets them feel unhindered and relaxed (as compared to when people try to manhandle their new babies too fast and just end up scaring them and making them want to get away) and eventually they will chill out and maybe come near you to relax and maybe doze off. Good method, Minnie!
Thank you everyone that has replied to this!

I know I seem quite the worry wart in this post, especially after not even owning them a week yet - I just hate the thought of doing something wrong and upsetting them :undecided:

However, I held them again today whilst sat on my bed and they seem to be coming into their own, and for a fair while sat inside my shirt and on my shoulder, they are also happy to groom on me when they sit on my shoulder too so that must be a good sign, they've also never properly bitten me (a few friendly nibbles and the occasional 'I thought you were food' bite, but never drawn blood) so I guess I'm doing something right!

One more question - currently I've only been taking them out for around 30 - 45 minutes in the evenings 'cause I thought it was best not to stress them out by holding them for too long so soon after bringing them home, should I extend this amount of time? And am I alright to get them out at varying times of the day? (I know they're more active at night, and can't seem to get an answer on whether it's okay to interact with them during the day, some people say it's fine, whilst others say it's not)

Thank you again to everyone that replied and put my mind at ease, I was so worried people would shout at me for being uneducated :(
Thank you again to everyone that replied and put my mind at ease, I was so worried people would shout at me for being uneducated :(
There is nothing wrong with being uneducated. The problem is if you refuse to be educated!

Where they are young, you may be better off taking them out twice a day rather than one long session. Although most rats sleep during the day, that doesn't mean they won't get up to play. And if it's a regular time, say after school/work, then they will start to get up at that time in anticipation. One of my rats gets up and comes to the door regardless of what time it is, just whenever I happen to be going by and say hello.
I agree...a couple of shorter sessions, rather than one very long one sounds good. This also gives the girls a chance to rest and they may want to have a drink of water, get something to eat or just nap for a bit, safe in their house. I would definitely go for shorter sessions per day rather than one big one. Just my opinion!

The grooms and nibbles are great! You are giving us good signs that your girls are really getting to know you and are feeling affectionate toward you!

Also, remember that "nibble grooming" is a huge compliment for you. When rats nibble groom, they can use their teeth to give you gentle nibbles on your fingertips, fingernails, just about anywhere, and this means they are treating you like one of their own rat pack. Fantastic!

Sometimes when they are young, they may nibble a bit hard, but they eventually get the idea of what is a good pressure for when they want to nibble groom you. This is terrific! So no worries, these are not real rat bites, just affectionate and curious nibbling/grooming. :D

I think your girls are getting very cosy and comfy with you! You are doing terrific!
It sounds like you're doing a wonderful job c: I would do like others suggested and take them out for a couple of sessions if you can, or just leave their cage open so they can go in and out when they please. (assuming they can get to the door with ease)

I wouldn't worry about being uneducated ^-^ it sounds like you're willing to learn so that's a good step in the right direction.
A few more things that work for me.. if you have a smaller cage or carrier you can put a water bottle and food in it and when you let them out on the bed or couch bring their cage so they can tell you when they wanna go home. They will also have access to food and water. It is also better if they come out of the carrier on their own.

I think you should take advantage of when your rats want out. If they are awake and want out of the cage then its ok to let them out. Just don't disturb them when they are eating or sleeping.
It's probably been said but i dont want to read all answers to see if it has,

Sleep in an old shirt and in the morning cut it up and put some in their nest it smells like you, also let them get used to their cage before handling.
Its all been said I think!
Lots of good advice.
Some personal experience. With some groups of mine they enjoy several different outings a day...the girls room is secure so I alternate opening different cages and letting different groups have 20-45 min outings. Most will crawl back into their designated cages when they're tuckered out. Whereas the boys will usually come out for an hour a day and play on the futon/couch where I have a small cage with water and litter for bathroom breaks and water breaks. Usually they are getting a treat so their food isn't in high demand during play!

I usually wear a second shirt when we hang out...a few different ratties enjoy climbing down my shirt and taking a nap.
Be aware of any possible hiding places. I have a few hide and seek champs in my crew.
My one girl found a new one today as the cages are stacked higher and she was able to reach the window and crawl into the tied up curtain.

We'd love more picks of your himi (Himalayan) girls. I have a dumbo himi they are so beautiful.
My first ratties were feeders from our local petstore and the employees knew nothing about rats and I later found out that pretty much everything they told me about them was a lie and they just said what they thought I wanted to hear or whatever would make me buy the rats. It took my female roughly 4-5 weeks to really get comfortable with me picking her up and cuddling her and the male took about 3 months to trust me enough to not run when he saw my hand coming at him. Your girls don't sound nearly as bad as my two where but it still takes time and patience to let them warm up all the way to you. I used carrots as treats to earn their trust and lots of kind words and encouragements. Even now when they do what I want I tell them how great of a job they did and my husband thinks I am nuts :) I now have 7 ratties because my female had babies shortly after I got her but your girls sound like they are gonna be just fine. Another thing I think helps is if you put their cage in the room you spend the most time in and that way you become part of their environment even when you aren't interacting with them.
Great advice from everyone all around and as Minnie said, just don't go in and get them out for playtime if they are sleeping or eating. :)