Phoebe is Gone

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Do you take your trips at the same time each year? Is there something that happens at that time of year? Cleaning house or starting up A/C, cleaning the oven?
I find that when the elderly and the rats with PT stop eating they are giving up and will soon pass. I am glad she left in your arms. Staci told me she was holding her when she took her last few breaths.

Take care of my Hestia, Phoebe, and teach her to be as sweet as you are.

((hugs)) Staci. :cry:
I'm so sorry :cry: She sounded very sick and like life wasn't able to be too kind to her anymore. I know you'd rather the suffering be yours than hers, and it is now, Phoebe is alright.

I'm so sorry for your heart.
OldsGal said:
Phoebe passed this morning. My heart is heavy and I just don't have any words right now.

Oh God, I'm so sorry. What a darling little lady.

Unless a person has been charmed with rats in the family; they will never know what a terrible sense of loss is felt when they leave us for greener pastures.

If there were any way to foresee into the future, I'm willing to bet that every last one of us here would be doing what is necessary to avoid the illnesses that befall our beloved little rat forms.

For those who do not understand a rat lover's mindset... my condolences.

They will never know how unfortunate they are. Phoebe's place is secure. She took all the love her family felt for her and sailed on a dream through the rainbow bridge.

She will always be a part of you. :rose:
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your well wishes and sympathy. It means a lot to me that so many people can relate and understand how I feel. Anyone else in the "real world" that I tell just kinda don't get it. They say they are sorry but then move on like and kind of have this attitude like I am stupid for mourning over a rat.

Phoebe was one of those rats that everyone instantly fell in love with and everyone would try to steal her from me when they would come over. She was a true Rattie ambassador. She was the first to the side of the cage and loved to be with people. I still to this day remember going to meet her at the local humane society. I opened the door to her cage and stuck my hand out for her to sniff and she licked me right there on the spot. That sealed it for me. I had to take her and her cage mate Hazel home. Phoebe was not picky about who got kisses. Everyone got kisses whether you wanted them or not.

Sunday morning I held her and comforted her in her final hour. We cuddled and I gave her lots of kisses. She passed in my arms. I took her to her cage mates and put her back into the cage so that her friends could understand why she was gone and say their final goodbyes. Molly sniffed her and left. Frankie peered down from afar not wanting to come see and Marguerite just snoozed on through not caring at all. Hazel on the other hand sat down next to her old friend and began to diligently groom her face. I lost it at that point. My heart breaks for sweet Hazel who has lost her best friend since she was a itty bitty thing. Hazel is much younger then Phoebe. She is only about 11 months old.

A day later Hazel seems to be ok. She is eating and snuggling with her other new friends. I just hope Phoebe is having a blast at the bridge and knows that I will never forget her or what kind of a wonderful rat she was. I am just thankful that she picked me to be in her life.

That is such a sweet story, and I got a little teary when I read how Hazel groomed Pheobe's face.
Pheobe is without doubt having a great time at the bridge and is sending her love down. :heart:
Oh, I'm so sorry about Pheobe. She sounds like a true rattie embassador who had a lot of love to share.
I am so sorry that I have missed this whole thread. Big hugs to you and Hazel. I am sure Pheobe is having a blast at the bridge.
Aww, kisses to Hazel and thankyou for sharing more of Phoebe.
I had an 'ambassador rat' named Ladybug and I have a tattoo on my shouder for her, more importantly so does my ex-boyfriend who hated rats til her.
It seems some ratties don't realize they have any stigma from the start, and they pass that on to people who used to be predjudiced and win them over.
Every rattie taken from hell and given a good life is a good mark on humanity. Every little rattie ambassador is a good mark on everyone they touch.
Your Phoebe may meet some souls in heaven that she was at least partly responsible for sending there by instilling the acceptance of others it takes to get there.

You can't minimize having a good affect on another spirit. No matter the circumstances.

I think somebody up there is rooting for me by intro'ing me to ratties. Somebody must've loved you a lot to let Phoebe be yours.

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