Phoebe is Gone

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Hey all!

So I noticed last night that Phoebe didn't seem to feel too hot as she wasn't interested in her dinner but I couldn't really see anything wrong with her. Well today I came home from work and walla! I noticed the stench was back coming from her ear and it looked like it was kind of draining out of her ear with this pussy kind of stuff. It reeks like rotting fish. Then while holding her I noticed a yellowish discharge from her pubic region too. It is kind of all over her bottom so I can't tell which orifice it is coming from exactly. Needless to say as a concerned rat mom I found myself sniffing her nether regions too! :badidea: (You know you are a true animal lover when you are willing to sniff your pets privates). Needless to say the smell matches the smell coming from her ear.

I called the vet and they can't see her until Thursday when I get off work and they won't RX any meds until they see her so they can decide which kind of infection it truly or yeast.

In any event I do have some doxy pills here on hand if any of you think I should go ahead and start treating her with those. And anyone have any experience with something like this. Do you think the 2 infections are the same thing or just coincidental that they would have 2 different infections.

Poor girl is over 2 years old. I am sure it is the result of her not grooming herself nearly as well as she used to. Although she loves nothing more then to sit down and have a good dig in the ear every now and again.
I know in people they say that doxy can cause the nasty side effect of yeast infections so not sure if that would be something you would want to put her on if she has an infection in that area???

something you can use for her ears that I have found works for Dusty (my recurring stinky eared one) is 50/50 vinegar and water, dip a qtip into the mixture and wipe some into her ears that way, the aicidic qualities help to balance the environment.

And along those lines, I have no idea if it will do any good but maybe try soaking her bum in some warm 50/50 mixture? If anything it may calm the stench externally down there, not sure what to do internally for meds, not sure about doxy for that.....
The infection can be caused my myco and this can infect both areas.
Not sure if you should start the doxy. mamarat2 brings up a good point with the yeast infections and doxy.
I would keep the genitals clean, wash it several times a day with warm water. As for the ear, I would proably do with mamarat2 suggested.
Ok update....I couldn't wait. I decided to call another vet that I occasionally use that is closer and has longer hours. They are good rat vets. They are just a tad condescending at times and a little more expensive. But Phoebe is worth it to me. They were able to squeeze me in tonight.

So in any event she has a yeast infection in her ear. The vet RX-ed Tresaderm Solin. One drop 2 times a day for 8-10 days.

As for the discharge from the nether regions. The vet palpated her tumtum and found a tiny half pea sized lump. He thinks tumor and says that would cause a discharge. Not too much that can be done since she is 2 1/2 and I don't want to do anything to hurt her more then help her. So we are going to keep a watch on it.
:balloons3: Healing balloons for Phoebe, (look what you started, Bron :thumbup:) I hope the drops are helping her. How is she today?

As for the tumor, I have my fingers crossed that it doesn't grow at all!
Lots of kisses and cuddles for the :angel2:
I wonder if meds might help "shrink" that small mass? I remember once my Jersy had a mass on his spleen, we put him on Baytril and it disappeared.

You're right 2 1/2 is amazing! It's all about comfort and happiness now.
Phoebe is seemingly doing better. She is interested in eating again and has a tad more energy. However, her ear still is smelly. She really does hate getting the drops. Poor thing shakes her head after them and then sits and scratches at her ear. I wonder if it might sting a bit or something. Of course then when I put her back all of the rats have to try to groom the foriegn substance off of her. I always make sure I have massaged it down into her ear canal real good and that is has dried some before putting her back.

But she is still giving kisses so that is a good sign!

I'm glad she is doing better, hopefully it heals completely soon. Ear infections are so nasty. My dog (Sparky, at my parents home) has been suffering with one all of his life.
Well I got home late last night around 10 ish or so and was checking on all of the ratties and feeding them when I noticed Pheobe wasn't coming to the dinner bowl. I looked for her and found her sitting up on the shelf in a really odd possition and she looked forzen like a statue. I called her name and no reaction. So I reached in and pet her and she moved slightly. She then tried to walk toward the edge of the shelf and it looked like she wasn't really walking right so I took her out of the cage and let her walk around on the couch. Her hind end degeneration that she had going on way before all of this other stuff started up has taken over with a vengence. Poor girl can no longer get around very good nor can she old herself up so that she can hold her food very well to eat. I sat with her forever last night and hand fed her some softer foods and then just cuddled with her for a long time. She curled up in my lap and was boggling away madly. Ultimately I put her in my hospital cage and put Hazel with her. Hazel was her cage mate tha t I rescued with Phoebe from the Shelter. They are still pretty close even though Hazel really has kicked it off with Frankie Jean too. But Hazel is still really protective of her old friend. I checked on Phoebe this morning and she is still hanging in there. But she doesn't look good. I'm not sure how much longer my girl is going to be with me.

On a similar note I am starting to notice a pattern of sickness here with my rats. Last summer I had a vactaion planned to Vegas and a week before we left Sable got really sick like this and had to be hand fed everyday. I was so worried about what I was going to do with her while I was on my trip. She did pass a day before we left on her own.

Then back in June I had a trip to take to Missouri and Oreo got really sick like this the week before we left. She however did not pass before I left and did not seem like it was ready to PTS. So thanks to a good rattie friend here She took care of her for me and Oreo waited until I got back.

Now it is Phoebe's turn. I am suppose to leave fo a week long camping trip next weekend. .... See the pattern.

So good vibes for Phoebe please!
