Pet Peeves

The Rat Shack Forum

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-teachers who seem to hate kids or are overly uptight
-people who kill spiders
-people who obsessively spray deet bug spray everywhere
-people who can't remember what you said a couple email replies ago, but don't read the thread, so constantly reply with 'what?'
-how stuff on DeviantART is really popular because it's fan art or popular stuff that is bad and unoriginal
-political stuff (listing 'em all would take to long)
-obnoxious T.V. commercials
-FOX network
-How FOX cancelled King of the Hill on weekdays
-Ahhh! The bee is going to kill me!
-Bad voice changes on cartoons
-BEING MOCKED (in caps, it's a big one.)
-people who ONLY type in caps (aren't I a hypocrite)
-how the big pet companies claim to be the best but sell crap (I never knew about Kaytee until this forum.)
-people on urban dictionary who find a sexual definition for everything
-people who think cats are boring

Oh! I better stop. A lot of good ones had already been mentioned. And I have like a billion more.
I love bad horror movies! They make me laugh so hard. You've GOT to check out "The Wailer". ABSOLUTELY ridiculous, LMAO. Awful, awful, but so funny because of how bad it is.
People who say:
"just a quick question" when the question is never quick
"I was just going to say" and they continue to say what they were going to say, why didn't the just say it instead.
Cait said:
I love bad horror movies! They make me laugh so hard. You've GOT to check out "The Wailer". ABSOLUTELY ridiculous, LMAO. Awful, awful, but so funny because of how bad it is.

Cool! Maybe I'll try it, but tonight I'm in the mood for The Office.
It's really bad. The acting is horrendous... The music is straight from a porno, and a bad one. The dialogue is ridiculous. It's just... awesomely bad. (I love it... SO MUCH.)

The sad thing is, the story is one of my favorites! La Llorena is an friggin' awesome Mexican urban legend... Good premise, just in the hands of idiots. :p

Um I should post a pet peeve to stay on topic...

-People who place want ads for coatamundis and alligators on Craigslist. *blank stare* What?
-Cameras with crappy macro settings.
-Eating hot salsa only to realize your drink has been taken to get refilled. That happens a lot and is really only my fault. :p