"Oversize" testicles?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2013
London, Ontario
Forgive me for I lack the time for a proper introduction at the moment, but a few days ago we got two rats, shortly after getting the second one we noticed he has very large testicles.

I'm just curious if this is normal. He is about 5 weeks old?? and the other rat we have doesn't have large testicles so I think I messed up and maybe we have a girl as well....whoops.

These are the best pics I could get right now be cause he is a very active little rat, and I dont think they are quite used to us. But he just runs around dragging these things all over the place, so it doesn't look like hes in pain or anything......he sure does live up to them though, he is a little fearless to some degree.


Looks like a normal boy :thumbup:

Girls have nipples, boys just have a belly button.
If you post pictures of the underside of your second rat we can give you our opinion, as the spacing on boys and girls is different, and girls have a vagina as well as an uretha.
Rats can withdraw their testicles into their body cavity, and occassionally boys do not drop their testicles.

If you think you have a boy and a girl, you will need to seperate them immediately. Rats become sexually mature between 5 and 6 weeks of age. Rats can be spayed and neutered by knowlegable vets so opposite sexes can live together.
Yep a normal young boy, if the other "boy"doens't have these torpedos it sounds like you have a girl. Separate then take pics of her belly for us to make sure.
a lot of people are shocked by the size of a rat's testicles.

there's even a fun page on a website dedicated to them.

you might want to submit this to add to their funny stories :giggle:
I had a little chuckle when I read your post, I have to admit, but if I hadn't already learned about the enormous nuts these guys have, I would have had the same concerns.
He is constantly tea bagging the other one. He climbs on to and rest his made right on top of the other ones face. And the other one just sits there and takes it.

We got the rat initially as food. Now I don't like feeding my snake live but EVERY time I go to get frozen rats they are sold out so I'm not left with many options. Well the first one we got survived, unharmed, unmarked and the snake didn't seem interested in it. So it hid in a corner then ended up getting comfortable. My gf feel in love with it though she has always hated rats(tails).

I got the second one as a friend for the first and now we have two interesting pets.

Think I can't post here after this, if they were meant for snake food.

Be double sure your boy isn't mating with a GIRL rat though... post pics of your second rat so the others can help you make double sure otherwise you might have a litter on your hands.

I respect your a snake owner and snakes gotta eat, but this is a rat rescue forum. It's kinda...odd for someone who feeds live rats to snakes would post here lol.
EDK is right. And said it very politely. We will help you with your rats and encourage you to no longer feed live... also it's extremely important you don't keep your male with a female. Constant breeding for a female is hard and weakens them. Please reconsider.

Also, since this is a pet rat rescue forum, I'll ask that you refrain from mentioning your snake and it's eating habits.
Well I'm getting rid of it on the weekend finally. I've been trying to find a caring owner for him and finally did. Like I said, I never wanted to feed him live. Anyway these rats are our pets, not food

I purposely meant to get both males or both females, but when I looked it up online it appeared he/she was a boy.

I'll get pics later when I get home, for confirmation, but if one is the opposite sex I am going to have to do something because I do not want them breeding. I'm kind of hoping to some degree that the others testicles just haven't dropped because they both appear to have a penis.

But I don't know if that's a problem in itself.
The female's vagina also protrudes. Check for nipples. Only females have nipples. Is there a rescue in your area? they might be able to help you.
If one is female then one of them will have to be removed.
Do rats form attachments to other rats or if I got rid of one would the other be just as content with a different rat buddy or would it become depressed having lost its initial friend?

I don't know how old they are just that thy are sold as "baby rats".

I haven't seen nipples on the other rat, are they hard to spot?