Opinions on re-using names

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2007
Winnipeg, MB
Hi everyone

I haven't been around here in ages. I have gotten out of rat keeping, I have just one girl left who is 35 months old. It is ironically funny that over the past 7 years of having rats and spending hundreds on medical care I never had one live past 2 and a half, and now when I am "done" I have a 3 year old who has been to the vet only once in her life. ;) I love her very much, and it is a good way to end a wonderful string of rats.

Now what I would like opinions from you all on. As I have had about 30 rats or so over the past years, my boyfriend and I used up all of our "favourite" pet names on the rats.

We are now getting a silver Standard Poodle puppy, who will be coming home in February.

There are two names that I really like, but we had rats named them. One name, Skye, was my "heart rat". But I love the name and feel that it is fitting for this pup. (The other name is Tevy, which was one of my first 3 rats names).

I feel nothing wrong with re-using a special name from a loved rat, for a dog who will be equally loved. My boyfriend doesn't like the idea at all! But he agrees he likes those names and we haven't brainstormed anything else that we like as much.

So what is your opinion?? Is it OK?
People do with their children ..... pass names down from one generation to another, name a child after a favorite relative, etc.

Personally, I think you should pick a name that both of you feel comfortable with.
I personally don't see a problem with reusing names although I've never done it myself, I find choosing a name for a new pet to be a game of "how creative can you get". But I agree with SQ, if your boyfriend isn't comfortable with reusing a name then work extra hard on coming up with something new together :)
I've re-used names if I felt it really suited the animal. I don't see an issue with it, in fact, it's like created a legacy or making the memory of that special rat last longer.
But I agree that both mom and dad should be happy with the name.

We have written down literally hundreds of other names, and none of them are right.

Just wanted some thoughts to make sure it wasn't completely taboo.
Some people reuse names on purpose, especially if the two animals share characteristics, as a bit of an homage, etc.

I would recommend using a two syllable name for your new pup, though. One syllable can sound too much like another word in passing and they might be more likely to miss you trying to get their attention. Two syllables gives them more to react to. Angrily saying "Skye!" when catching pup doing something bad could sound very similar to you saying "HI!" happily on the phone and could give pup a bad association to you being on the phone. Just as an example. I think Tevy is a great name!
Just wanted to pop in and give a quick update.

We got our standard poodle pup, and did name her Skye. It fits very well, and in the end both Tom and I love the name. :) I do feel that it is a tribute to my special rat girl as well.
