Ongoing discolored urine - He passed. <3

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I will do an easy full body check in a bit. I just got him to take his clavamox and some ensure. I wanted to at least get one of his abs into him and figured the ensure would do the trick. Then I'll give him his baytril in a few hours. He seems to *want* to eat, but, to me at least, it looks like he takes a few bites and has to catch his breath, and kind of gives up after that. I'm assuming he needs easier to eat things right now, so I'm making him some oatmeal and hoped the ensure might help him out.

His eyes are a bit dull. He normally has big, bright, alert eyes, but they've been looking more tired, understandably, since this started friday. His fur is beginning to show a bit of poofing, again, gradual since Friday night. He still makes it up and down the cage to get into his hammock or get his water, but perhaps I should be re-arranging the cage to keep him from moving so much... I don't know there. He can get around, it just looks like he has to catch his breath terribly each time.

I didn't think I saw bluish extremities, but I'll definitely give that a second look. & I haven't seen any panicked movements around the cage, just a need to be less mobile and occasionally put his head in an upright position. Mostly, just very rabid breathing and trying to conserve energy, I think.

Do you think an oxygen chamber is a better diagnostic than lasix? I figured the stress of the trip back to the vet was a bad idea at this point, hoping to only have to do that to him if I was pretty sure I had to let him go. I hate the idea of putting him through it if the same diagnosis can be gained at home, or if there is nothing really expected to be gained at this point by having him examined again.
he was able to climb down from the top of his FN to the bed and up into the smaller playcage, but despite that he still looks horrid with his breathing. here are two videos I took, in case anyone sees something in them that clicks, or so the experts can tell me if he looks better or worse than I've been describing. I think videos tend to be more clear for those knowledgeable than me trying to explain what I'm seeing.

video one

video two
Still breathing like the videos above. The vet doesn't think the dex would do this - but - Shelagh pointed out that the dex was not supposed to be given alongside the carprofen/rimadyl, which it was for two doses before the breathing started and then I discontinued the carprofen and began weaning the dex back down. The carprofen was stopped friday night though, so I'm not sure the effects would still be persisting through today.

The vet said the heart didn't look enlarged on the x-rays, but the lungs might show signs of issues which could be the cancer having spread. He said I could try the lasix if I wanted to in case this was chf for the labored breathing. It's pretty much the only thing left to try at this point, I believe.
That poor sweet boy. He's definitely not feeling good. He could very well have pulmonary abscesses. I wish I could be of more help.
:cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart:

RIP Merle, play and run over the bridge with Munster ... I know Curley and Finn have been keeping him company until one of his buddy got there - so I&#39;m sure they were all there waiting to welcome you on your next journey!

:cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart: :cry: :heart: :sad3: :heart:
I'm sorry, you did absolutely everything you could. It was just his turn to head to the Bridge. :hugs:
RIP little man, breathe easy and play hard. :heart:
Thank you everyone, and especially to those of you who spent time offering advice on how to save him or make him the most comfortable. This was my third loss in a month and a half. Gizmo was expected as she was old and I saw her declining. Munster was simply a shock, as I only had him 21 days, and only one week of that was with me at home after a quarantine that was cut short for his surgery. I felt like I just got dear Munster, just got to begin to know him, and we were suddenly fighting a one week losing battle for his life, due to suspected cancer. So to lose Merle just three weeks after, again to suspected cancer... it's been tough to wrap my head around and everyone here has helped me through the decline and the loss.

I've had time to gain perspective on it, and I'm settled by the thought that I wouldn't have turned down any of them had I known the endings in store for each. I had Gizmo for a long time and was allowed to know her much more near the end. Munster was simply love, and I'm just sad I didn't get to soak him up longer. Just an amazing soul and felt like I had known him for so much longer. & Merle had a very happy 9 months with us, knew many rats and seemed happy right until the end. & since receiving his diagnosis last Wednesday, we stuffed him full of chocolate cake, cookies, pasta... all of his favorites - just in case. & while he was never one to cuddle too much with me, he allowed me over half an hour in the waiting room at the vets while we waited to see if perhaps the lasix shot would work. He couldn't do much more than try and catch his breath at that point, but he sat letting me pet his head and talk to him the entire time. He let me say goodbye and have that final question mark on the lasix out of my mind. I would have always wondered, and he allowed me that closure and that time to really say goodbye.
I am so sad for you, losing him so soon after you other losses. It must have been the cancer, and you tried absolutely everything.

I'm gal that you had that LSAT bit of time with him at the vet.

I just read through this whole thread. I am so sorry you had to go through this. You really did everything you could have. I wanted to say, that to me, I think he breathed like that because he was already on his way. His body was slowly shutting down- I don't think anything would have stopped that. He was so lucky to have someone like you to care for him. Rest peacefully sweet boy. :heart: :cry:
I have nothing to offer now but hugs, understanding, and appreciation for your love & care & efforts for your little man. Hugs.