OK...what should I do? - He's gonna be MINE!!!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2007
Denver, CO
Nat passed away yesterday of old age and her tumor was in pretty bad shape. She was such a doll and I'm going to miss her smiling face.

So I have a Martin's 680 that's empty now. So what do I do go to petfinder and see this http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=8725128

I sent an e-mail to inquire. I was actually really good and didn't say anything about the cedar bedding, at least not yet.

He doesn't look 3 and I've been wanting another boy for a while. Oh what do I do???
I'm so sorry about Nat (((hugs)))

3??? WOW. I would go for it if you want. He's very handsome. He probably needs a wonderful home to live out the rest of his life.
It looks like he needs a home that cares. That picture isn't very encouraging. Upside down water dishes :cry:
He needs someone like you to have a very good Christmas :D

I am so sorry about NAT :cry:

If I were you I would go for it. 3 years, that is great at least he would spend the rest of his life with a wonderful person.

They look like just a dog and cat resuce so they may not know that the cedar is bad but a little education has never hurt anyone.
I'm so sorry for your loss...

You know what you are going to do! You are going to march over there and bring that rat home. :wink:
He's beautiful... and needs a good warm happy loving place to finish off his life. :D
I'm very sorry about Nat.
I agree with Joanne, that boy is just screaming for good home for the holidays. Homeless seniors really depress me, I would like to take them all home.
RunzwithRatz said:
I'm so sorry about Nat.

However you know what I would do! Just think of it as another moose!
Go get him!

You EVIL women...what are you trying to make me cry? I know, I keep thinking of my sweet man Moose!

The only pic I have on this computer is of Thelma and Moose :love7: I miss them every single day.


Oh and this one, it's avatar size though

The reason he has a baby in his mouth is because he was turned into the humane society because his stupid caretaker put him a crib with his baby and Moose bite the baby. Well duh, stupid stupid stupid. Mindy rescued him and brought him to me and it was pure love from the start.
AdventureRats said:
Nat passed away yesterday of old age and her tumor was in pretty bad shape. She was such a doll and I'm going to miss her smiling face.

So I have a Martin's 680 that's empty now. So what do I do go to petfinder and see this http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=8725128

I sent an e-mail to inquire. I was actually really good and didn't say anything about the cedar bedding, at least not yet.

He doesn't look 3 and I've been wanting another boy for a while. Oh what do I do???

I'm so sorry for your loss. :cry: Thank God the little lady died of old age and not of illness. :rose:

I am safely assuming that your mind was already made up on this little man before you posted here... ;)

You'd better get rolling. Someone may just snatch the handsome little senior up before you... and we wouldn't want that! :shock:

He deserves a great retirement... you deserve a great little rat man.


:bananas: :bananas: :bananas: :bananas: :bananas: :bananas:
I'm sorry for your loss of your little girl :cry:
It sounds as tho you and Cupid need each other right now. However old he is you both have love to give in whatever time you have together.
I'm very sorry for Nat's passing. (((hugs))))

And did you call the shelter yet? He looks like he needs a nice forever home for Christmas and since you have that empty cage......?
I'm picking him up on Saturday!!! Sadly it's the soonest I can get up there to get him.

:bliss: :bliss:

As much as I don't like to do he is getting a name change!!!
:001: :001: :001: :001: :001: :001: :001:

Whoo Hoo!

Awwww Moose, he was such a sweet man rat! Didnt you used to have a caption on him that said" get in meh belly!"

You have to post pictures when you get the new man rat. Are they for sure going to hold him for you?

What name have you picked out for him?
I'll have to meet him before he gets a new name. For some reason he looks like a Gravy to me...but...I had a Gravy already...so maybe not.

They didn't agree to hold him but seemed excited that someone who knows rats would be up to get him on Saturday.

They just want a small donation, and I am going to educate them on bedding and such. Maybe I'll print out a few things on proper rat care for them to look over.

Oh I'm so excited to be getting another boy. If he seems young enough (doubt he's 3) then he will most likely get a friend or be neutered and move in with Creamy and Searchlight. That would be funny, those girls box over everything. It's an all out brawl and screaming match every night...but they sure do love each other. I just imagine them fighting over a man rat :wantsome: