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Senior Member
Feb 2, 2013
Scotland, UK
I'm Sarah and from Scotland UK. I have two Russian Blue girls rats I got them in March 2012 one is called Crazy and the other is called Shy-one.
I have fallen in love with my little ratties and spoil them rotten.
I have a few videos on youtube of my girls and will be uploading many more in the future.
[BBvideo 450,375:3pnbj722][/BBvideo:3pnbj722]
I ordered the Aventura cage (UK version of the double critter nation) so when I've got it and it's all set up I will try and make a cage tour video.
Looking forward to chating to you guys, sharing info and seeing everyone's cute pictures of their Ratties.
Welcome to the forum. I just love blue ratties. we had a few here and their color always make me go awww.
Hello Sarah and welcome! Your girls are just adorable! I loved the video. :)

My husband and I had a Russian Blue boy named Klausse several years ago (his brother was an agouti) and we just fell in love with Russian Blues. They are just the sweetest. Well, we love ALL types of rats, but yes, a special place in our hearts for Klausse.

Your girls are just beautiful and I can tell they have a wonderful Mommy. :)

You are in Scotland, wow! I have always wanted to go to Scotland. I would love to go see the famous Loch Ness lake and the Highlands. We live in the Seattle area and it is always so cold and gloomy here that when vacation time comes around we always end up going someplace really hot or desert-ish, but someday we need to go to Scotland. And yes, I love bagpipe music. :thumbup: (I know some people don't like bagpipes, but I do!)
Thank you for the lovely welcome everyone.
Well I got the Ratties new cage up last night what a fuss to get it right as there were no instrutions.
Crazy is loveing it, but poor Shy-one is slighly scared of so much open space.
I'm sure with time, they will get used to it and love it. :)
That must have been crazy putting up a large cage with no instructions!