New Show on Discovery

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
KW/Guelph, Ontario
Has anyone heard of this new show "Verminators"? I saw a commercial this morning and could not understand the point of showing pple who love killing animals. It seems to follow two exterminators who love to kill, and not just insects but rats too. I know many of us don't own wild ratties but there is no reason to have a show about pple killing rats on TV. I just thought it was a weird show concept and I don't know why Discovery thought it might be a good idea.
I'm not condoning or promoting a show that depicts animals being exterminated, but it was a show along those lines that made me want to get pet rats years ago. It was a show on pests or hated animals or something like that, and they had a separate segment on rats. For the last 10-15 minutes they showed a family with half a dozen pet rats all running around with them on a couch and I was hooked.
Within a week, I had Simon.
I've seen parts of Verminators. The roaches make me sick. But I leave the room when they start talking about the rats. Our daughter, Callie, just stood there crying when she saw part of the show. I understand not wanting your house infested with wild rats but why glorify killing them? I did see one show where the lady insisted that they use humane traps and release the rats. Good for her!!

I watched bits and pieces of the show. It didn't look to me like the exterminators love to kill. I just saw people who have a job to do and enjoy said job for it's level of difficulty.

While I don't remember to much about the parts I did watch, I don't remember seeing anything graphic. But my memory is not the best.
I agree, I don't think the exterminators enjoy the killing. And I've never seen anything graphic. It's just sad to see the dead rats. I don't know what the answer is, it's just not my kind of show.
I think it is interesting, not the killing of living creatures part, but how complex the whole process is. You cant just hire anyone and it's not as easy as going in and bombing the place (like commonly thought). You have to have a strategy.