New rattie girl keeps bolting and getting stiff!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2009
New Brunswick
okay so, i just got a little ratty girl today. When we got home i put her on my bed to meet camilla since theyd be sharing and the girlie was living with her sisters i figured she would feel better with camilla keeping her company, the meeting whent fine her and camilla got along and then it happed SHE BOLTED like her tail was on fire in any/every direction, she stopped under a chair where i was able to quickly(and gently) snatch her up; she was completely stiff.
I held her for a while having ablanket around her so she wouldnt get overwhelmed, than i put her with camilla and they slept/groomed/played.
I decided to take them out because they seemed to be restless in their cage, and it happened again, out of nowhere she bolted again but didnt get far (thank god) she stiffed up but not as much as before and i put her back in her cage with camilla, she seems fine in there with her.

Could she just be overwhelmed? or nervous? scared? does this mean she had not been outside of a cage with her previous owners??
she seemed a bit jittery when i met her but i didnt pay much attention to it.
Im scared to take her out again because she might run into something while in full speed and hurt herself :sad3:
any opinion on why she reacts this way ?
I suppose i could have rushed this a bit and i feel bad for it but i had never had previous experiences with rats getting so spooked before, id always interact with them quite early and they never responded this way :(
She is likely very very frightened.
She is a baby that has been taken away from her mom and sisters and is in a new place with strange people, strange rats, and new smells. I am sure that she is terrified.

Can you put her in with your other baby in a place where she will feel safe?
yes, shes sharing a mitten with camilla right now, she seems seems fine and relaxed
i just never saw that before; the way she reacted. but im sure just because it had never happened to me doesnt make it abnormal. Im just a little shaken up is all, and wanted to know if theres anything i should be doing extra or looking out for.
what can you suggest that i do for her?
should i not introduce her to open spaces just yet?? or keep a little hidey place handy for her if i do?
any suggestions is well appreciated, i want her transition to be as smooth as possible, i already feel bad for taking her away from her family.
perhaps do the intros in a bath tub, that way if she does decide to take off/bolt she con't go far, or get lost.
Also i'd try bonding her with you as well. Jo's trick for that is to put a hoody sweatshirt on with a tshirt underneath, and allow her to climb around inside, on you. This will get her used to you, your smells, and also less traumatising for her.
Also while doing intro's perhaps have a bowl of something YUMMY for them to all share, it might keep her mind off of being scared.
A hidey hole is great idea, but to keep it safe for intro's i'd make sure it's something open ended on both sides, like a tube, or log house. That way noone can be cornered.
She's a baby who sounds scared, and the good news is, most of the time babies come around pretty fast when being intro'd to some other rats.
Since she is an older baby and you already found your older girl to be accepting of babies, I imagine you will be able to get the 3 of them together soon and the other ratties will help the new baby to feel safer.
Thanks for the great tips and support guys!! ill def try setting up a bowl of treats when i introduce with franky since shes bigger, but franky was so great last time im sure it will go well. i have a few art projects to do tomorrow so while i do that ill get a hoodie on and try some bonding time.
Shes fine with camilla so i think my presence is the cause for her behaviour, but some hoodie bonding might help with that.
the tub would be a good place too, but id def need somesort of hidey hole for her (two sided)
because its such an open space.

thanks again, im such a nervous wreck sometimes i need someone to tell me everything will work out lol :lol: