New Here - AND sneezy but medicated rat PLEASE HELP :)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2008
United States
Hi all, I'm new here. I belong to however they've been down for almost three weeks, in which time OF COURSE Tons of issues have arisen.

Two rats have died on me and I have two new babies, ALL while the site was down and I couldn't talk to other rattie owners!! AHHH!!

Anyway, I have a question for you all - my new little girl was sneezy so I brought her to the vet, and they gave us amoxicillin. She does not appear to be getting MUCH better, but I don't know if I'm jumping the gun here. She weighs an ounce (how cute is that :giggle: ) and they are giving her 1/10th of the syringe. Does that sound right?

Any and all comments are appreciated.

Thanks!!!! :D
Hi there,
I dont know much about antibiotic choice and whatnot
but if they recently started her on abs it should take some time before they can start to work....just like in people - they take some time get in the system and start working :)

Good luck with your girl
Thank you so much for your quick help.

She has been on them for about one week now, so I thought she'd be better... maybe I'm just a worrywart. :)
awe Im not sure then :( more experienced people on the fourm are usually pretty quick to may be helpful to post the strength of medication (usually measured in mg/ml and printed on the label...) it can help them decide if the dosages are sufficient....

Hopefully they'll be around soon :)
Hi and welcome!
I'm so sorry with all your losses and what is happening with your sweeties... it's scary when that happens.
I'd be concerned that there's no change after a week. Any chance you can go back to the vet and ask for Baytril? I don't like amoxicillin for respiratory issues, it hasn't worked on my guys. :(
Sorry for going off topic....but we use amoxicillin to treat respiratory issues in our cats at the you think Baytril would work better for them?
I believe there is a side effect with Baytril and cats. I can't remember... going blind maybe?
Some people have had good results with Amoxicillin and rats but it didn't work good for me so I recommend Baytril, especially if it's been a week already.
I shouldn't say NO change I guess... she's a bit better than she was. Also she is still active and running about, as well as eating, drinking, playing, etc.

Can rats get common colds? Viruses that will just go away after some time?

I have some Baytril here that I got for my adult rat before she died of Pneumonia. It says 68mg/#1 tablet on the bottle. Does that mean anything to you guys? For my full grown lady they had her on .4 mls twice daily. Could I give this or a combo of this an amoxicillin to the little one? And if so what ratio would I use? maybe .1 mls twice daily?

THANK YOU!! :nod:
How old is your little one... I might be just tired but isn't one ounce, 28 grams? That is super small!
How do you mix the pill, with 1ml of water?
Well, you know it SAYS the tablet thingy, but it's already liquid. I thought maybe that was the strength or something.

And oh yeah, she's tiny - 6 weeks old actually. Just a l'il pumpkin. :)

Should I use the baytril in combo with the amoxicillin or maybe not? I don't know if there's an easy answer.
I do have a front to the cage, I take it off during their out time. That would be a dream for me though, having free range rats.

So your sweetie is really young. I think I would give the amoxicillin another week before taxing her body with another med.
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omg omg. she is ADORABLE!!
just a suggestion.. if you give her babyfood .. you could also mix a drop or two of eccinecia ... i think you can get childrens variety almost anywhere... cant hurt.. prolly wont cure her sneezes.. but cant hurt her immune system either..... :D
good luck with ur munchkin..
Maybe your vet is not real experienced with rats? Cause if an antibiotic is needeed amoxycillan is not the usual choice for ratties. I'm not saying it won't help, just that it's not the usual choice for ratties so maybe your vet is rattie-inexperienced and treating the problem before the species... I don't have a great vet either :(
What's going to be important is if your vet is willing to learn from the collective experience here or not. Cause there is some really definitive help here from a few who have really rat-experienced vets (thanks them giving the vet experience).
In the meantime I'd really write down the advice you get here (not all of it, just the most suggested, and have it ready for your vet and hope he/she listens.
(trust jorats)
amoxycillan (sp?) or clavamox is ok if it isn't myco.

Because of their fast metabolism, a rat should show signs of improvement after a few days on an antibiotic if it is going to help, if no improvement you need to try something different.

Can you try her on baytril (as suggested by jorats) or azithromycin?