Neuters for PooPoo and Blueberry

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
Dieppe(Moncton), NB, CA
They're at the vet right now and I'm at college. I did read lots of stuff on neuters to make sure but I'm still soo stressed out. It's my first neuters. What should I do if they pull their stiches off? What if it starts bleeding? Ohh.. X____X They're in their traveling cage thingy right now but should I place them back in their big cage cuz there's lots of toys and things. I don't want them to move around too much cuz I'm scared it might damage the stiches.
So they're home. I had to fight to have some baytril but I got some. I didn't want to risk an infection. Got some pain meds too. Blueberry's got some dry blood on his bum, Poopoo a little bit. I dunno if that's normal but enyways, both seem to act normally.
I've never had any complications with neuters... my boys healed so fast. Once Oliver did open a stitch but the vet told me to just keep it clean and not to worry because there are internal sutures.
Is it just the two boys in the cage? If so I'd go ahead and put them back in their cage if there are more rats in the cage, then I'd probably wait 24 hours before putting them back in.
Boe was the best stitch and glue remover ever. The vet also told me to keep it clean and to be positive about Boe's picking. Apparently the more he messed with it, the cleaner it stayed. Good luck and don't worry by the end of the week you will never know anything took place. :D
OH MY GOODNESS!! You have a rat named Pooboo? We have a cat named Puboo!!! Different spelling but the same name! :joy:
Not quite! His name is PooPoo XD (I know it sounds horrible in english cuz it's poo twice XD I never realized it when I named him)

But yeah they're in a smaller cage with lots lots of blankets to keep them warm and comfty. Blueberry's a wheel addict so I didin'T want him to make too much exercise with the fresh surgery. I keep them in our room cuz it's the warmest place and I can monitor them while doing my things. I just noticed that Blueberry is walking a funny way sometimes. It's hard and weird to describe but sometimes his ribs are sticking out the way he is cuz he's like a slinky snake. It's so weird. Probably because of the wound bothering him. He's been trying to clean his penis for a couple times and when he tries, he stops cuz he's like sitting on the wound. Then he starts walking weirdly. Hes probably in pain, the poor baby. I only have to give them about a drop of Metacam every 24 hours. =S The vet gave them 1 injection for pain management and 0.05ml Torbugestic (no idea what that is. Edit : Ok I know what it is now. It's like a super duper morphine O-o jeez. The web site says it's 4 to 30 times more potent than morphine. God.) from what it says on the bill.

The ball sack looks like it's still there too but it's empty.

Besides that, I have to give them 0.4 mls of Baytril every 12 hours for a week.