Nail Trimming

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New Member
Nov 5, 2019
No matter how many boxes and toys I have put during playtime I am my rats favorite climbing equipment. Which is great except their nails are making me look like I juggle razors for fun. Their breeder will clip their nails for a fee, but it would mean meeting with her every two weeks or so. I’m looking for another option. I’ve tried nail clippers but they won’t hold still for anything and they scream at me. Not sure if it’s just experience that the breeder did it so easily? They have lava ledges in their cage and some brick but it’s not doing it. Any creative ideas? Or tips for trimming them myself.
Thank you!
It takes practice with clipping their nails, do one or two nails at a time and give a treat when you do it. Keep at it, everyday do a different nail. And always a treat when you do. Eventually, you'll get it.