Nail trimming

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
Oh God, I'm dreading this topic completely!

While the boys were out playing last night, I noticed that both Rose and Freyr have very long hind nails. Freyr in particular has long nails, where one toe is actually splaying! They definitely have to be clipped. I'm dreading it! In the rat health care guide it gives instructions on how to clip them, so I'm confident I can do it, but I'm just worried about how much they'll wiggle around and such. Any tips or suggestions?

Also, in the rat health care book, it mentioned something about the nails being dark at the base... is that a cause for concern? Did I read that properly?
My suggestion is be quick about it. Use your human nail clippers, and quickly take off the sharp tip end of the nail.

I know this from experience... the more you hum and haw and try to line up the clippers perfectly, and stress out... the more the rats will start freaking out! And it will then become 10x harder.

For the first clip don't even try to get all the way down close to the quick. Just take off the tips to get them (and you!) used to the idea.

I only have one rat whose nails I can trim by myself. The others I have to get my bf to hold while I trim. If they are really wiggly you may need a second person if you have one to help you.

I'm not sure what you mean about the nails being dark at the base?
I'll have to find in the book where I read that about the dark nails. But the way I interpreted it was the quick being dark, rather than red. On Freyr, some toenails are dark at the base, and others aren't.

I understand about just taking the tips off until I'm used to it, but in this sort of situation where they're quite long, should I try to take more off over the span of a week or so, or just the tips and then leave it for a while? Should I worry about getting the length shortened or no?
I usually give the rat a treat to eat while clipping the hind toe nails.
Helps to keep them still and distracted.
Because of the quick, it is a good idea to have something handy in case if bleeding. I have never needed it but am always afraid I will cut to closely.
Thanks for reminding me ... I have 22 ratties that need their nails done :( Want to help?
*lol* I would certainly help if I was handy... it'd give me experience. But I find it odd how Rose and Freyr's nails are long, yet Guild and Loki's are real blunt. They must chew their nails to keep them manageable? I wonder.
Some trim them for us and some don't :roll:

If you are really nervous, hold the toe so only the part to be trimmed is sticking out from your fingers, then you cannot take too much off. Do it quickly and just do a little at a time. Treats are great distractions too. I usually "pin" the rat to my stomach with my arm while I am sitting. If you have those awkward nails to trim a lot from, just take a bit off a day at a time. You'll get used to it and so will they without making a big snip right away.

I wouldn't worry about the darkness in the nail bed unless its really dark blue (cyanosis...lack of oxygen in the blood). Some rats are darker and others aren't.
The only way I can trim my girls nails is when Ang is around lol They wiggle around so much there's no way I can do it by myself. So she holds them close to her and I go in and clip them as fast as I can. They'll be doing those little squeaks like you're killing them but I give them a treat afterwards and they'll be on their merry way lol
Mischa is the only one that doesn't move around a lot, she's very submissive to everything. lol she's my wimpy girl.
I find it easy to see the quick though 'cause it's a more pink colour and their nails are white on all of them. Kinda glad about that.
For the future you can always get a pumice shelf for their cage. We have a pumice swing/bird perch under our water bottles. You have to stand on them to drink and the nails get worn down!

I can't find the pictures anywhere but someone on this forum has pumice shelves in their cage. I would love to get those if I could find them but right now we just have a narrow swing.
I used to have a pumice stone for Zoey in a spot where she had to jump on to get to the upper level... I'll see if I can find it.

My dad said he'd help me when the time comes. Freyr and Guild had stress poops when they got a bath, so I wonder if they'll have the same thing this time! *lol* Poor dad if that's the case.

Thanks for all your advice!