My Spiney girls up date!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
Garden City Kansas
OK, I cleaned my darling Spiney Mice this AM, we had a wonderful play time,, Henrietta, being the larger more tame & aggrsive is a doll so funny Harriet the smaller girl, but ver personable also. They talk to me when out with my or on my shoulder, some regular mice talk also have had them. It is the sweetest little constant eek eek eek. :lol: they love the new wheel Momma got them, see the chimney on top of their house, in & out of it all the time, so cute! Now there is no need to worry about a chew toy with these girls, i will just have to buy a new bowel now & again, Look at the chew marks on the edges of their bowel :nod: they are darling pets, a girl 50 miles form here hd babies, I may be getting more, wish me lucl! So Enjoy my Dollies!




my girls drinking their vitamin water with XXX immune builders all my pets get it
Ashely. did your Spiney's talk to you when you had them out to play, Mine do, & they run on our arms, I loved then they are adorable! :hugs:
They are sooo cute!!
I am fostering two right now.
What do you feed them? Here is the mix we make ourselves:
a mix of high quality ferret and cat food (dry) like “Totally Ferret”, dry whole-wheat pasta, sugarless whole-wheat cheerios or other cereal (I also tried Oxbow Regal rat but they didn't like it)
Treats (in moderation): Fresh fruit/berries and vegetables, unsweetened banana chips, unsalted sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds, rolled oats, puffed millet/kamut/rice, dried fruit, nuts and occasionally a mealworm. Spiny mice are prone to obesity and diabetes if fed too much fatty or sweet food.
I love the names of your girls :)
They are so cute. My sister in law has a pair of girls and I got to watch them grow from tiny little eepers into adult meeces that just shed their baby fur and got their 'spiney' fur. I love how their feet are like-sticky! Little turds can climb almost verticle bathtub walls! :roll: