my ratties!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2008
i got my ratties yesterday, im so happy :happydance: i dont have a webcam, so i cant upload any pics yet, there names are:


personality:lazy, quiet, out of the way, not very socialable.

health:good health, diabetes.


personality:happy, socialable, abit aggresive, always friendly to people.

health:purfect health.

these are my ratties, i had a problem with mr.hyde yesterday on outtime, i couldnt get him back in the cage :gaah: i had to trick him into ab ag, and put him back in, those are my ratties, when it comes to food, they alwats come to me, big enough cage, kept clean, good healthy food, happy ratties. And me im kael, i also have a cat ginger, she doesnt attack the ratties. :joy:
well, when i first got them, our vet is open on saturday, i took them in, had some tests done, shots, etc, they foundout dr.jackel has diabetes, thats how i know, im glad they told me to, before i tried them with anything sugary.
Is your vet an exotic vet?
Were your ratties ill?
What kind of tests?

It is good to watch salt and sugar intake for all rats.
Diabetes is rare in rats.
Did your vet train you to give him daily insulin shots?
no, they arent ill, and as for jackel, his diabetes isnt gonna kill him, the vet just instructed me not to give him anything sugary, and yes they are an exotic vet, they are addapting quiete well, jackel is being really socialable today :) jackel also has poor eye sight, its caused by the diabetes i believe, but he doesnt run into walls or anything, its not horrible eye sight.
You can test them for diabetes yourself. You just have to go to your local pharmacy and get the urine tests strips. ;)

It isn't hard to keep care of my two dwarfs are diabetic. ;)

Your rats are very cute!!
yeah, jeckyll doesnt care if hes diabetic or not, hes being alot more playfull :wink2: i am also trying them with nuts, they love them, they cant get enough of them, they love em better then any other treat. :)
ehh, just the normel shots, some to make sure they dont get sick, this also reminds me, its gingers turn at the vet to shes gonna be real pleased.....
of course we don't want them to get sick, but I've never know any vet to give any rat preventative shots. Do you know what kind of shots they got?
i wasnt really paying attention, oh dear it looks like its clouding up outthere with this humidity it could be bad...
Personally, I have never heard of a vet doing what your did.
No added sugar is a good rule for all rats.
As far as I know, animals with diabetes are put on medication, the same as people are.
Randomrat said:
Thats odd as rats don't usually get shots......

Yeah....That kinda raised a red flag for me too :?

Fujin said:
i wasnt really paying attention, oh dear it looks like its clouding up outthere with this humidity it could be bad...

Are you trying to change the subject?
nothing bad happened, by the way, they are getting better today, running around alot more, i gave them some new toys, and am trying them with bread, not with peanut butter, becouse that can choke you. Also i have been giving them some serial flakes and apple peices, they love all of them, its good to see them in the morning when i get up and go into there playroom, they are begging for attention, i stay with them for 10-20 minutes.