my rat please take a look

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Active Member
Sep 10, 2007
hey can anyone tell me whats wrong with my rat????

The pic is a bit small, so it's hard to tell. But one of the "experts" will come along soon to give you an opinion.
It is kind of hard to tell. Even with a bigger photo, I wouldn't want to say for sure.
The thing is, I have had rats with blood rich tumours that looked like that, but I remember that Oscar's nasty sebaceous cyst looked just like that as well.
Can you do a test on it, Kevin? Try applying a bit of pressure on both sides of the lump. Not too much to hurt him. What is the texture like? Does it give at all? Does the lump change shape and the sides become less round where you have squeezed it a bit?
I know that this is not a definite, that it could be hard as a rock and still be a cyst or abscess of some sort, but if it does change shape then chances are that it is not a tumour.
That has been my experience.
A vet would probably be able to tell very quickly. Any chance of taking him into one?