My rat gave birth to 13 babies, but after 4 days 2 have died

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Oct 27, 2009
New Zealand
2 have died and one looks small and sick without milk.
Is this going to continue? Will more die? Is something wrong?
The rest look big and healthy but the dead one I just found was one of the halthiest before not a sickly one?
often one or more will die in a bigger litter. You cannot see what is physiologically wrong with the babies inside and they do die easily. I was handfeeding a little pup and she was vigorous and squalling one second and gone the next. I am sorry. Whats the story with the mom and her pregnancy? Was it a back to back?
No, this is the mums first litter.
Im quite proud of her but she seems to loose them easily, I always put them back in the nest.
They are 4 days old and ALREADY crawling around so I dont blame her lol.
I suspect the healthy pup died because she lost it in the bedding, it took me a while to find it.
Im worried that she will have started with 13 and end up with only 9 :(
Rats Are The Best said:
one looks small and sick without milk.


The baby may require supplimental feedings from you or need to be put alone with mom for short periods of time if it isn't getting enough milk. (Mom is the best option)
Kitten formulas from the vet and soy infant formula can be fed to baby rats ... slowly, one drop at a time so it doesn't go into their lungs. Mom cleans babies after they eat to facilitate bowel movements so either you or mom would need to gently wipe baby's butt after eating.

Is mom's diet of a good quality lab block and daily vegs being supplimented?
Is there a concern that she is not producing enough milk?