My New CAGE!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2008
Greenville Tx
Look how pretty!?
It's a super pet ferret cage!!!
Oh yeah, and My worries are gone, nobody is sneezing anymore!!! YESS!!

I could have millions of rats. lol :p not really.... but anyway.
My Nanny is thinking of getting one more ratty. because she saw one at petsmart, and wanted it. lol :D
Buttt.... yeah. I'll have to test it out. idk. I might not really want another one, i'm really satisfied with my babies.
I had that cage for a while, its great!

Nobody can squeeze through? One of mine got out every night until we did something about it.
There is one flaw in this cage, MOO my darling moo, can slip through the bars, but i've watched her all the times to see what she wanted, and she dosen't do anything wrong. she just gets out.
looks around.
then goes back in... makes no since to me.
I'm surprised little miss Abby dosen't want to run off. she's a meany, but she's getting used to me.
She still nips at me sometimes, especially in the cage.
anyway to fix that?
Miya_Moo_Chu said:
There is one flaw in this cage, MOO my darling moo, can slip through the bars, but i've watched her all the times to see what she wanted, and she dosen't do anything wrong. she just gets out.
looks around.
then goes back in... makes no since to me.

It's a good idea to fix that. My Phoe is a small rat and lived in my FN for months before she showed interest in getting out. She started by just walking long the top, and then just popping back in. Weeks later she completely moved out of the cage and used my room. This was not at all okay as I lost a lot of clothing - she turned it to shreds.

The solution is modifying the cage with mesh you can get at a hardware store, or cooling racks from a dollar store or something to cover the bars so they can't get out.
NezumiNeko said:
Do they actualy use the slide, it looks like it might be hard to climb up, and it's hard to picture rats sliding down it.

I used to have my girls in this cage before I got their FN. They didn't slide down the slide, but they loved to run up and down it. Oh, and poop on it!
Ha yeah, Bambi happends to love the new slide, she likes sitting at the top, and playing peek a boo with me and Abby.
And i have modified they're cage, to were they can't get out anymore, but thank you for the ideas!
MY dogs don't go in my room that often, and my cage is on a HUGE HIGH table..
please don't worry about them! it makes me feel stupid, and sad. lol :D
They're fine I promise.
Miya_Moo_Chu said:
MY dogs don't go in my room that often, and my cage is on a HUGE HIGH table..
please don't worry about them! it makes me feel stupid, and sad. lol :D
They're fine I promise.

To be certain, no one want you to feel stupid. The only reason that anyone mentions some of the cage flaws is so that your girls will be safe. We all care about them and would hate for something bad to happen. I think it was SQ who adopted out a coupld of rats to someone and they had them in this cage. It was knocked over by the people's dog and the dog killed and ate the rats. :cry: :cry: It was very sad and we would hate for that to happen to you. Think of it less as being worried and more as helping keep an experienced eye out for rattie safety. We know that you are doing what is best for your girls but it never hurts to get advice occasionally ^_^