My Angel baby has PT ? (Video)

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Junior Member
Jul 1, 2014
Cleveland, Oh
I tried to get a good video, its hard. About 2 weeks ago I noticed her being very sluggish, unlike herself, not moving from the green basket.. I thought it was just the heat, they have 2 fans going in their room, trying to keep it cool. But then I started noticing the porphyrin on her arms just this week and got really worried. Now within days, she seems very confused, as you can see in the video she needed help getting in the hammock, she slipped down the stairs. ( I moved her out of her DCN and put her in a smaller cage so she wouldn't hurt herself, but all ramps are cover with ramp covers as well to help her) And she has trouble holding her food, I haven't seen her drink much, but when I bring the bottle to her, she will take a couple sips.

Today she sees the vet. I am nervous for my baby. Anyone have any suggestions as to how to make my angel feel more comfortable, I understand this is a deadly illness, but I am going to try to do what we can do regardless of cost.

I will fight as long as she fights. I love you Mia <3 Im cheering you on baby girl :cheer:
What does your vet think? There are a couple of different medications you can use for a PT if that's what he thinks is the problem.
I don't have any experience with kidney failure, but dspch911 does...
What does your vet think? There are a couple of different medications you can use for a PT if that's what he thinks is the problem.
I don't have any experience with kidney failure, but dspch911 does...

Bless her heart - I think 911 has experience in just about every ailment these ratties get.
Her vet told her they had no experience in diagnosing PT and wanted to do a blood test which I told her not to do. I had her do a urine test, but the vet only looked at it apparently instead of analogizing it. I think the vet also said kidney or bladder problem - nothing they could do and sent her home.

She is trying to get into her regular vet since obviously this one is an idiot....

These are the symptoms (started about 2 weeks ago)

clear/white urine - no fowl smell
consistent wet bottom from urine
consistent urination
will stay in one spot in cage for days
has energy when out of cage (see video)
very sluggish
excessive prophyfin on arms
partial difficulty using front paws (see video)
VET SAID - lungs are raspy
Not drinking, unless given to her
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Yeah the vet I saw today was a total idiot. My actual vet didn't have anything open so they put me with the other exotic animal vet that works there which apparently knows not so much about rats.

I am going back on Thursday, he will do a proper urine enylasis.

It's just the weirdest thing her bursts of energy when she leaves her cage.. She won't leave her wicker ball when she's inside her cage. I've given her watermelon, fresh mango juice and almond milk to try and keep her hydrated, I offer water and she has no interest.

I keep wiping her bottom. It makes me so sad to see her like that , but It's impossible to keep up with the constant urination.

What makes me think it's PT and not just kidney is the fact she's having troubles climbing things, and eating using the ground, I haven't seen her sit up and eat on her hind legs, and use her hands much, but she does use them a little. She has interest in all the treats I am giving her. Lots of watermelon to keep her hydrated because I really haven't seen her drink much water. :(

Just trying to give her all my love, I've spent hours in the rat room with her today. poor Mia
My PT rats showed many different signs, but constantly peeing was not one of them. I am thinking that Dspch may be on to something.

ETA - make sure you RINSE her bottom in water to help prevent urine scald (not just wipe).
My girl that had PT only had urinating issues after I had her on Pred for a while, at which time she just could not control her peeing.

Could be that she might have more than one thing going on. I wish her the best. It just sucks so much when they are not well. Yeah - when any one of mine are doing poorly - I spend lotsa time with them. I think it is very important for several reasons.
Thanks all.

Came in the room this am and she was sleeping in her timothy hay ball, I think she's smart for laying in there because it probably keeps her the driest..

Took her out and she was immediately active. Running around the room, exploring the boxes. She ate cucumber for me, because if it is kidney I keep trying to hydrate with watery fruits and veggies. She ate the cucumber at times holding it with both hands, but at times looked like she was having trouble finding her hands if that makes sense, I have a video, Im having troubles uploading it, but will share when I figure it out.

Joanne I rinsed her bottom this morning when I got her out :) Thanks for the tip, I will do it multiple times a day. Her bottom is so orange - but at the vet her urine was clear.

She seems to be very spunky this morning, she has no troubles walking or running, but seemed to have trouble walking on the barred part of the DCN on the bottom storage area - her feet were slipping through.

She's sneezing here and there, but we have been battling respiratory issues in my colony for about 6 months now. I suppose I should keep trying to battle those so they aren't making her any sicker.

Thursday can't come any sooner.
Also I was wondering if it is not PT and it's kidney.. Could being dehydrated play a part in her poor hand coordination? Skin goes back down with the pinch test. Or possibly we have PT and kidney ? Do you think I caught it early enough to save her, or am I going to have to face the fact that she's probably not doing so good? :(
When you say orange bottom - do you think she has blood in her urine? Can you get her to pee on a towel or paper towel and see what color it is? Did you feed them anything that she could of dragged herself through that would discolor her fur? If you get her to urinate on towel and there is discoloration put some hydrogen peroxide on it - if it bubbles its blood.

PT rats will try to use their front paws, but usually pin down the food with their face or something else. They will also start eating and then stop, and look confused as if they have forgotten what they were doing. If you put food in a bowl, can she grab it out with her paws or does she try with her mouth? Or, does she just try to eat it in the bowl? They head bump things a lot and I noticed with mine, they will walk the perimeter of the cage as if "feeling" their way around - possible do to loss of eye sight. They walk closer to the ground - almost like a military crawl - with their back legs spread further apart than normal.

I doubt she has both. Its going to be one or the other, but both are incurable. Hopefully your regular vet can test for protein in her urine at the office. If he can and there isn't any you need to start treatment for PT that day.
Hmmm, she eats like she has a PT, but is otherwise quite mobile. If you gave that piece of cucumber to a normal rat, they would have eaten it in about 5 seconds. Note how she chewed and licked it, but didn't seem to actually consume much of it. Has she lost a lot of weight recently?
She did end up eating the whole piece of cucumber but oh yes it did take her awhile. She will eat her block by spilling it all on the ground in front of her and then seems to take nibbles of multiple pieces.

She has lost some weight. Im not sure of the exact amount, she was a bit over 400 g at the vet, ok weight.. but i do remember her being a little heavy closer to 500 g a couple months ago. - I know I should be better at weighing them.

UPDATE: As of 5 minutes ago.
Just let her out - Running around outside of cage, drinking water from a bowl - seems to be having a jolly ole time. I figured let her run while she can, boy is she active. Crossing my fingers that I caught this early, and I know its not able to be cured but hopefully we can treat her and keep her with us as long as possible..

Vet tomorrow at 12.

Regardless of what happens, Mia and one of her mates Maggie will be spending memorial weekend with my family and I camping (RV style) in North Carolina, I will spend so much time with her and she and Maggie can have a blast exploring a new state, filled with sunshine and undivided attention and yummy treats!!