Muirenn is bleeding from her lady parts

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2008
Cleveland, England
oh my god
i am on the verge of having a panic attack

we were just setting up some hammocks for the girls and Mu was being a bit off. she wouldn't let us hold her which isn't like her. I saw some brown marks on her tail so picked her up to see what she'd done and i saw it was blood :( :( :(

i turned her over immediately to check her after ive read posts on here about bleeding from the vagina and yep, theres blood. its all over the shelves and tubes and it was on my hands.

Im shaking like crazy. My mam thinks it might be stress related after we lost Patrick last week but i have no idea. I can't think straight at all.

I have an hour for lunch tomorrow at uni so if she is still bleeding in the morning im going to take her to college with me and try and book an appointment for my lunch break. thank god for passing my driving test

Please not my Mu :sad3:
There's no way it's related to the loss... As soon as you can get her to a vet. It might just be a bladder infection and you'll have her all fixed up in no time.
i didn't think it was at all. she's being off tonight and my boyfriend is concerned too. im definately getting her in to a vet tomorrow, even if i have to drive for an hour. why my rats always get ill after 7pm i do not know. total nightmare!
Fingers crossed that it is a UTI and not myco of the vagina/uterus :( That's what happened w/ my first rescue girl that I had. Prayers your way sweetie and keep us updated <3
no she isn't spayed. i vowed that i wouldn't get either of my girls done unless it was necessary.
She saw the vet today. My mother and boyfriend took her up to a different town to see my favourite vet because she wasn't in town today. She thinks it is an infection of the uterus and Mu-mu is on Baytril (0.1ml) twice a day. She has to go back a week on friday (i think)... the vet is going on holiday at some point and is only in that day, and we want to see the same vet so she knows whats going on rather than different ones all the time. She said if it doesn't clear up then it will probably end in a spay.

I just need to find some cash now to make up for all of Patrick's treatments over the past few weeks and now this :(
Poor little thing...this is the last thing you need right now as well :( Hope she gets better without having to resort to a spay *hugs*
Mu has been on Baytril for three days now and she is looking and acting a lot better :) we didn't notice any blood or discharge yesterday but Clodagh seems to sense there is something wrong and keeps cleaning up the area. I had them out for play time yesterday and Muirenn is back to her crazy self. She insisted on cleaning my face and hands for me too, so she is definately back on the mend :D
Glad to hear little Mu is on the mend. :mrgreen: I am actually much happier when its a genital myco outbreak, as they often respond very very fast to antibiotics whereas UTI's can be a bit trickier. Glad it wasn't pyometra for your lady :joy: