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Senior Member
Sep 19, 2013
So...I have been facebooking my near daily goings on with my crazy mischief of 49 rats (some rescued adoptables and some are lifers)

So this morning I walked downstairs around 7am. Usually that early I would do what needs to be done and go back to bed. But this morning something compelled me to look at the rats more closely....sure enough looking at the long/large rabbit cage which houses 5 large males...I go through routine, Good morning Edwin, Scout, Murphy, Finch, Lou.....Louie? Eyes focus better and scan the room....who pops his head up from a cozy sleep on top of the rocking chair on a pile of new hammocks?
Mr. Louie!
I'm glad I can trust my cats for the most part not to antagonize a critter who fights back. And Louie has had lots of supervised visits with the cats that he and they know Momma wouldn't be happy if he or anyone gets hurt. The cats seemed indifferent to him being there....
So now we have the fun of figuring out where he got out from. Because if he can get out any of them can!

Usually it would be Edwin (silver/brown) and Louie the inseparable brothers here...but this is why I knew something was up...that's Finch not Louie!
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Aw, very cute picture! Thankfully your kitties are so well behaved. I would have lost it if one of my girls got out because I don't trust my kitties very much, haha. It's amazing how rats (even the chunky ones) can squeeze through such tight spaces. Hopefully the Houdini cage can contain him! :laugh2:
Yep. We are on night 3 in fort Houdini and no one is getting out! I know for sure because I bribed him to try. He wasn't happy I bribed him and he was stuck

But this morning we both had a great morning rescuing a little female rat on the loose outside in town