mazuri lab blocks?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
lawrence, ks
hey everybody!
what are your opinions on mazuri blocks? it's what i have my boys on currently, and it's all that they'll eat, so i want to make sure that it's of a good quality. i know that you all recommend the harlan blocks, but i'm not sure where to get them, and i know that they only come in bulk, which wouldn't be good for only three of them in the house. in addition to this they also enjoy some sort of daily treat-- veg, fruit (popcorn is their favorite, but everybody in the house tries to eat it sparingly).
thanks for your opinion, as always!!! lots of questions, but it ensures my boys a better life :D
There are some places online that sell smaller bags of HT.

The Mazuri has very high protein which is a concern but if you don't have anything else, it will have to do. Make sure to supplement with lots of veggies, that will help bring down the protein and fat level in his diet.
Oxbow Regal Rat is also good, although some rats don't like it.

A good lab block is 80% of the diet, with daily vegs and a bit of fruit being the other 20%
That's awesome!
I just sent an email to her... I had my boys on the Oxbow for a while, but they ABSOLUTELY refused to eat it. I found the smell a bit vile, so I'm not sure if I blame them :/
Hopefully the HT will work out for them, as they are very picky eaters and these are the only lab blocks I've ever seen them eat.