~Lots of Love~~Lots of pics~~

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2008
Greenville Tx
Here are some beautiful pictures, from the famous rat photographer....MIYA!

anyway. uhm hmmm Yeah! i'm back, but i'll be gone for three days with my ratties{Camping} and i hope that they ahve fun! which they really can't go outside.. i'm always afraid that it's to fridged for them.
well anyway, I hope they have tons of fun smelling the new puppy that we MIGHT get. and all those darn sheep that we're going to pass... and cows.
Moo's going to have a blast.
Well Chu is getting WAY better, she just was a bit sick, and now I've got her meds, and everything, so she's doing GREAT!
Abby's really touchy. but i think she's warming up to me..
Moo's just my heart rat!
She's always warmed up, and ready to rooolllll!
well here they are...

I know someone is going to saw "Ewww! arn't they nasty!!!1?" But... guess what? I don't care.. noooooope.

Little snap shot of them sleeping, tons of those pics.

Them huddled by there hammock.. they look scared, i hope i didn't frighten them, Oh yeash, don't be mean, I didn't harm them by wakeing them up, I just slammed my door wayyy to hard on accident.

Not a very good one, but moo's cuddling.

(girls, sorry about the boobs.... I'm sowwie! I was just really really happy that I got my hair done!)

Moo Moo's earsss!

STill don't understand her logic there.... I just don't.... hmmm..

Abby sleeping.. isn't she sooo cute!

abby-"leave me alone, I just wanted to be left alone, sucking on my rattie thumb... HOW HARD IS THAT MOM!?"

Chu eating something.... Who would know?

OH YEAH! just to tell you, I got them all a new EVERYTHING ...which includes, a home, cage, play things, and lotsa stuff.
hehe they're going to lurrrvvvv it.

Moo climbing around.

"mom? .... MOM?"


Yeah, ratties.. I guess love water!

Moo being allll Moo-ish.

"THE END" they're running away!

I'd like to know everyone's opinion on me...
Honestly.. I don't think that much people like me.
It makes me completly sad. haha, but I really shouldn't care should i?
I don't think I should....
Whatever, it's just been bugging me, and everyone [even my best friends] are telling me that im stupid, and all that kinda ****.
or I'm a slut. something of that effect, and I guess that they don't exactly know how bad that hurts.
I've never done anything wrong, AND i'm NOT a freaking slut, I havn't even had sex! and most of the people that have all called me that HAVE.
hmmm.. whatever, I don't think that I should be talking about this...
not knowing how old everyone is.
but. I really don't have anyone else to talk to honestly.
I don't.
OMG! Who's kissing you? Is that Moo? Gah, I wish my kids loved me that much - what kind of toothpaste do you use?
You took your kids camping? That's cool, I'd never have thought of doing that.
But then I'm an uptite stuck-in-her-ways prude.

I may be denying my kids a once in a lifetime exciting time to keep them safe in their little space in the world.
Some things are hard to figure out what's right and wrong. What's stressing them with a new environment and what's interesting and rejuvenating them with a new environment.
But then I'm a neurotic hermit.

Apparently you just decide what's fun for you and include them? I sure wouldn't recommend it, but I'm really not certain that mine were any happier those days than yours. Or that yours weren't having a blast while mine did the same-old same-old.

Cute pics, especially the 2 of them at the water bottle.

Anyway, my opinion of you is I don't know you except from this post. I like you because you seem to have your kids well-being at heart while you take them on adventures. You know, whatever people say just doesn't matter if they're not honestly calling you on some behaviour that is bad for you or from you to others. Ratpeople are gonna get flack - is that maybe why you like rats?

Miya_Moo_Chu, I don't give a darn who you sleep with. And 'slut' is a deregatory term. it says more about who says it than who it's directed at. You just quit taking it all in ok? Cause it's all about who you are in your mind and those of the people who love you enough to tell you things lovingly.

You come across as a very kind and sensitive person. Your best friend isn’t being particularly nice or supportive. Try not to believe what others say if they call you stupid or slutty as it’s a load of BS. Even if it were true it’s hardly that bad a thing as you can always do something about it. However it’s hard not to get bummed out if you don’t get any positive feedback. Do you have anyone you can confide in or have as a confidant in your non-virtual life? I hope so as everyone needs one IMO.

I think the teenage years and early 20s can be some of the toughest times. For me the teenage years were really tough, being really painfully shy and insecure. All I can say is that things will get better as you get older. Without trying, you genuinely care less about how others perceive you. Your friends become less harsh and critical or you have the confidence to ditch the ones that have a negative impact on your life. Generally self-confidence increases. I wish someone had told me that when I was a teen, although I probably wouldn't have beleived them. Hang in there, all will be well.

In regards to your rats, they are cute as. I love black hoodies.

The bullying that goes on is just horrible. I wish kids/teen can grow up in a world free of bullying and all the hurt it causes.

You look wonderful by the way, your new haircut is great, you look great. And that little wee bit of cleavage you show doesn't even come close to depicting you as a slut.

As for the rats, wow!! Such sweet pics. You certainly won't get a Ewww from us. lol That cage looks great too, lucky little rats!!!
Thanks guys!
I just got used to what people say, and It's going to be tough, I know that.
Sorry, for the clevage, yet again, and thanks again!
Oh and Fidget! That was moo, she loves kissing me everywhere, so does chu. And they're not really going THAT far away from home, just three hours.
lol :D
We are going to my nana's house, and she has two other rats tat we MIGHT be bringing back home.
and thank you...
I am a very sensitive person, but when someone messes with my friends, I don't exactly like it.
I've gotten ISS three times :lol:
Haha yeah, the two at the bottle, I believe were Moo and Abby, Moo treats abby like a momma.
It's hard not to TAKE it alllll in, I sometimes even get it at home, my two older bro's
Skyler-18, just turned it yesterday...
bleh, they're meanies.
But lately they've been getting better.
Thank you, Idk I think I have a thing for Black hooded rats.
Haha thanks jo. I guess I'm going to have to show you prom pictures from this year... AHH that reminds me! I need to find some shoes..
ahhhhh well crap.
anyway, I have to go get ready for the trip! toodles guys!
Miya those pictures are absolutly adorable. The picture of sleep Abby is just so sweet.

I love your new haircut by the way.

I live in a small town and when I was growing up I didn't see the 'smallness' of the town too much, and when I went to highschool I went to one in a different town so I still didn't see what small towns are like. After I came back from university, I started hanging out with this other couple and some other friends. We it started going around that I was sleeping with the husband (EW), I know who started the rumors and they didn't know me from a hole in the ground, but their point was to make others especially this couple feel bad. This is when I started to recognize the downfalls of a small town. In the end the couple and I are no longer friends due to other circumstances. I have learned that you must protray yourself how you want to be seen. And I have also learned that no matter what you do, people will talk, and gossip talk is better to gossip about even if it's a lie. I am no very careful about what I do, I work for a real estate agent that is well known in town, my face is in the paper every week. Although now there is a rumor that I am pregnant ?!?! whatever you can't please everyone.

As for your best friend, if she calls you stupid and makes you feel bad then she's not a really good friend now is she.
LA said:
Miya those pictures are absolutly adorable. The picture of sleep Abby is just so sweet.

I love your new haircut by the way.

I live in a small town and when I was growing up I didn't see the 'smallness' of the town too much, and when I went to highschool I went to one in a different town so I still didn't see what small towns are like. After I came back from university, I started hanging out with this other couple and some other friends. We it started going around that I was sleeping with the husband (EW), I know who started the rumors and they didn't know me from a hole in the ground, but their point was to make others especially this couple feel bad. This is when I started to recognize the downfalls of a small town. In the end the couple and I are no longer friends due to other circumstances. I have learned that you must protray yourself how you want to be seen. And I have also learned that no matter what you do, people will talk, and gossip talk is better to gossip about even if it's a lie. I am no very careful about what I do, I work for a real estate agent that is well known in town, my face is in the paper every week. Although now there is a rumor that I am pregnant ?!?! whatever you can't please everyone.

As for your best friend, if she calls you stupid and makes you feel bad then she's not a really good friend now is she.

I know, but she's been my friend for 5 years! I can't just let her WOOP! go away...
Idk I'd feel horrible if I would've said something mean, Do you think that maybe if I told her something mean that she'd shut up? Or should I say... "please don't start that again"
..idk. I can't be nice, because if I be nice, than... I get BANGED ON.
and sorry about those rumors that got spred. I hate rumors....Acouple have gone around about me and my boyfriend, I don't think that they're appropreate for ... saying. lol. Well thank you btw. I love abby she's a sweety. latly she's been a bit grumpy. I think she misses her sisters.
I might go get them later on today when I go to my nana's
[my nanna loves rats. so I'm taking them to her house.]
Thank you! for prom the theme is elegance, so I looked up elegance and the 40's came up. SOO. I have my prom dress and it looks like.... well...
hmmmm... I can't really say. IT's the color of my eyes. Thats all I can really say, I'll have to post some pics later. but anyway, the point was for prom... I'm going to have my hair in a wave, and my bangs in a wave. it will be really pretty. I hope.
Thank you!!