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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2009
New England : Connecticut
So, old man Leonard hasn't been feeling too good lately.
He was adopted back in May 2008 and was estimated to be around 6 months of age already.

Lately, he's been sounding raspy when he breathes and has long some weight as well, not to mention his legs are like..not working so well and his eye is messed up too.
I brought him to the vet yesterday, thinking there was a strong possibility that he may have to be put down.
The vet said that giving him a week with meds to see how he did with them wouldn't hurt so that's what we're doing.
Despite his problems, his personality is the same.
He's alert, happy to eat, drink, move around, groom and get some loving from us.
I just didn't feel like it would be right to not give him a chance since he's still so alert.

I will keep you guys updated. Currently he's taking meds twice daily for his breathing and eye problem.
I also got some tips from Chelle earlier as to what kind of healthy treats I can give him so I will try those.
If they don't work in a weeks time well.. I will make damn sure that this will be a good week for him. :heart: He's always such a sweet boy. He deserves it!
good luck with it all I hope he gets well very soon :)

I find it so facinating that no matter how sick and unwell our little friends are they just seem to be so happy still and so glad to be around us. They really are such brave creatures, much braver than we are.
Keep us posted :)
Old rats do slow down quite a bit. If he continues to be alert, has a good appetite and still grooms, he could live for quite some time yet.
And I would give the meds longer than a week to work it's magic.
I would also give him more time. If he's happy and eating, then what's the harm? I wouldn't put him down until he said it was time to go.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I will give him more time and give him lots of love and healthy snacks with his food.
His breathing is what worries me most. It sounds very...damp? If that makes sense. But as long as he's willing to fight, then I am willing to fight alongside him. :hugs: