" Leaning " Lamb Lamb ...

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... or whatever it is. They are both a little raspy & are both taking Baytril & Doxy ( and Pred when needed ).. There are 2 more sisters in the cage with them w/o any symptoms right now"yespill". I think I will hold off on medicating them for now... What do ya think ?
... or whatever it is. They are both a little raspy & are both taking Baytril & Doxy ( and Pred when needed ).. There are 2 more sisters in the cage with them w/o any symptoms right now"yespill". I think I will hold off on medicating them for now... What do ya think ?

Your poor babies, we usual put our non sick ones on Ol Immune to boost their immune systems when the others are sick. We have also used clavamox and seem to like it better. Axe has been on baytril/doxy for what seems like months and his URI isn't clearing up so I think it needs to be changed to something. God help the vet if they tell me this boy has a terminal disease too cause I may just go postal on them.... Sorry went of track for a moment... Hope your babies feel better soon!!!
Is this it? Where do you get it?


As of last night Lamb Lamb is "different".

She is somewhat lethargic looking is the best way I can describe it.
When I pick her up , at first she is kinda "limpish". Her coordination is a bit off.
She has been on Baytril & Doxy for almost 2 weeks now. As a matter of fact I was about to stop the meds becuz no more sneezing or wheezing for quite some time. Of course she still has her head tilt from a while back.
She still has a great appetite. I took her out of the cage earlier today to give her a treat of cooked rice. She ate & then sat in my lap bruxing & boggling for a while. While that relieved me a bit - I feel something is wrong. :sad4: Any ideas?
Well that's pretty young to have a PT, but still possible she could have a brain tumour. That would be worst case. Perhaps she's just having an off day?
There are many different behaviours that point to a neurologic problem, such as:
Poor balance, stops and stares off into space, 'forgets' they are eating, forgets how to eat (leading to weight loss), unusual chewing behaviours like chewing things up excessively, chewing on the edge of the food bowl or spoon, chewing on you, sitting more on their bum instead of haunches (usually goes with poor balance), inability to hold food normally, choosing to sleep on their own when they used to be with everyone else, squinty eyes, bruxing more than normal, bruxing harder than normal (can cause irregular wear on incisors), lack of interest in things...
These are just a few things to watch for. You know your girl the best, so if your gut tells you something is up, then listen to it.
I lost her mother Doodles to a PT in April & she was about the same age as Lamb is now.
I've been on the look out for any PT signs for a while with all 7 of Doodles' offspring that I have. It would not surprise me if it happened.
So far so good w/ the exception of Lamb's odd behavior since last night.
I have noticed some hard bruxing w/o boggling a few times that gives me cause for concern.
We shall see as time will certainly tell. These ratties really give us the worries don't they ? :kisskiss: