LafeberVet- exotic animal info database for vets

The Rat Shack Forum

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2011
Hey guys, at my vet's office there is a big poster of this website:

It is an information database of exotic animals(rats are there too, under small mammal), for emergency or non-exotic vets to look to as a reference if they have an emergency patient come in. It has general information, as well as instructions and videos on common procedures, for example which veins to use in a rat when doing venipuncture. It looks pretty useful, for us and for those vets that are sometimes less knowledgeable, so I decided to post it here.
Registration is free. I wonder if they check names against vet registers before letting you join. If not, we could get onto it. Does Dr Nor Vegicus sound like a good name for me??
Godmother, on the registration page it says "allow three days for approval/credential check" so I'm guessing that they do check if you are a real vet. :(

But then again it is also free to vet school students/vet techs? Maybe you can kind of cheat around it that way! Or wait for one of our shackers to get to vet school and set up a rat-shack account. ;)