Lady and Bug's vet visit.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2010
Bixby, Oklahoma
I took them to the vet this morning, and it's confirmed.
They both have the beginnings of an upper respiratory infection.
The vet gave us doxy-thing and said to give it to them twice a day.
She wanted to save baytril for if it gets worse, so that we'll have something to combat it with.

She did say that besides the URI, they're perfect.

I am so proud of the girls! They didn't freak out, though Bug was mad at me and burrowed into my husband's arm.
Lady was so inquisitive and friendly to everyone. While they were using the stethescope, all Lady wanted was to climb up the cordy thingy to the doctor's ear and play with her hair.
Bug was very well behaved and didn't squirm or anything.

But giving them the medicine at home is another story. They do NOT like it.
I put mine in a small piece of something soft like a cookie or muffin. That always works you just have to watch them eat it. :D
ratloveandcute said:
Hide it in food :wink2:
Baby food, ice cream, custard, milkshake. Anything I guess. :heart:

Doxy should not be given with anything that has calcium in it as the calcium can lower the effectiveness of the doxy. There is a whole thread that discusses the best way to mask meds but I have found the best thing is to mix the doxy with some strawberry Nesquik.

As for saving the baytril in case it gets worse...I believe it is much better to give your ratties a treatment of baytril and doxy for 4 weeks to knock out the bacteria so it wont come back worse. Also if I am correct baytril isnt necissarily a stronger abs than doxy because they tend to deal with different bacterias.

Glad you caught it early and I wish your girls a full recovery.