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How sad to see an innocent doctor murdered, and yet even sadder that people misplaced blame on him for providing a service that women chose to have done. I hope that there are others out there like him that will stand up for freedom of choice, regardless of those that try to force their views on others using violence.
That's karma for sure.
Although I'm basically pro choice, I certainly don't agree with late term abortion. Having gone through 2 pregnancies, I can assure you that your baby is alive and kicking in your third trimester. An abortion at this time is nothing but murder.

I also don't believe in going around murdering people. It's too bad they couldn't bring him to justice. If the law allows for late term pregnancy, then this guy is not the one to target...it's the lawmakers.
I'm not saying that late term abortion can't be considered murder. That is a moral choice that each of us makes for ourselves. I'm saying that if you do consider it murder, you should be calling the mothers that made the choice the murders and be looking to bring them to justice, not the doctors.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, and stop placing blame where it doesn't belong.
This is truly unfortunate. I feel terrible that this Doctor was killed for his choice of work. If the world was perfect then there wouldn't be a need for abortion. I am pro-choice and see a real problem with human overpopulation so abortion at anytim e is welcome in my opinion. I have made the decision since I was quite younger to never have kids, but I realize others won't do this so I think more people should be responsible when having kids.
I didn't mean to offend any one I am so sorry, I was in the wrong for posting it, & I am not saying they should have murdered him, but just stating his actions of delivering a perfect late term baby's head, then inserting a tube in this innocent childs skull while it is alive & feels this & has it's brains sucked out, He like Hitler, should have watched his back! I love you all please forgive me for for pushing my feelings on you, will you please fogive me? :wallbang:
Thank you Jorats, I just get too emotional over things like this & live feeding our ratties & lad animals, it will always be si I must kept quiet I guess! Love you Phyllis
jorats said:
Oh no Phyllis, nobody is upset at you. We are all commenting on the article.
Everyone has their opinions and that's fine.


Phyllis said:
Thank you Jorats, I just get too emotional over things like this & live feeding our ratties & lad animals, it will always be si I must kept quiet I guess! Love you Phyllis

I don't feel you should have to keep your opinion to yourself. Freedom of speech rocks. I don't think anyone here is going to get upset with you for that. :hugs: (we may disagree with your opinion sometimes though)
my opinion on this whole subject is that the women choose to go to this doctor to get abortions, its their choice their body, due to their choices it does not mean that this doctors family has to go through heartbreak of loosing him. HE could of been a father, brother, son, uncle. ITs sad in both ways for those women thinking they have to do this and that this doctor lost his life.

ON a side note, i did a report on abortion when i was in 9th grade. I had to show the pros and cons. There where an equal amount of both pros and cons. I pointed out that maybe some women have been raped and got pg then maybe that is jusitifiable(spelling)...

(gonna stir the pot here???) I am a pro-lifer. regardless or the situation a baby is a baby. I have had someone close to me become pregnant as a result of rape, and yes that whole situation was VERY traumatic. (her choice was to deliver the babe and give it up for adoption) Having said that, as a pro-lifer any kind of murder is unacceptable - including the murder of this man. *sigh* what a sad state of affairs we (people) are in.
Catibrie said:
(gonna stir the pot here???) I am a pro-lifer. regardless or the situation a baby is a baby. I have had someone close to me become pregnant as a result of rape, and yes that whole situation was VERY traumatic. (her choice was to deliver the babe and give it up for adoption) Having said that, as a pro-lifer any kind of murder is unacceptable - including the murder of this man. *sigh* what a sad state of affairs we (people) are in.

is it possible to be both? pro choice pro life? I wouldnt choose to do it i have 5 children--but i cant tell someone else what to do with the life they are carrying--its extremely sad that it happens.

NOT to stir the pot more but does your pro life stance include the death sentence? i believe murderers deserve the death sentence but thats just my opinion
I could say I'm both. I could never do it to me but am supportive should someone else choose to do it.
I for one don't believe in capital punishment.
The death sentence is a touchy point for me, I struggle with my stand a little when I hear of a child murderer; and I know some feel prison for people like that are just a financial strain on society. But I have had to come to terms with my pro-life stand and decide to stand by it or not.... and so I do. regardless of the situation murder is just that - murder.
Having said that, I am very aware that my opinions are mine and mine alone, and I use them to govern how I live my life. I do not expect that other follow, as they have their own opinions, and beliefs, that in turn guide their lives and decisions.
In my opinion, there are times when abortion is perfectly fine, and in some cases needed...
*Rape, for one, is where a woman should be allowed to abort, no matter what other rules are around. By forcing someone to deliver the baby, you're ruining two lives: the mother and the baby, who might have to go through life in the foster care system.
*Another is simply when the birth control doesn't work. Nothing's 100% effective, and a couple shouldn't be forced into something they clearly were trying to avoid.
*If the mother has some medical condition that indicates a large chance that she might die delivering the baby, she should be able to save her own life if she wishes, especially if during the delivery, both mother and baby die due to the complication.

Abortion is only as evil as the people who choose to use it. Doctors denying abortions during legal limits are analogous to pharmacists who refuse to sell drugs/birth control, and I don't agree with either.
"is it possible to be both? pro choice pro life? I wouldnt choose to do it i have 5 children--but i cant tell someone else what to do with the life they are carrying--its extremely sad that it happens. "

No. It is not possible to be both. By that statement above, you are pro-choice. Being pro-choice doesn't necessarily mean you, personally, would choose abortion, or would ever have an abortion under any circumstances. It simply means you do not feel you (or the government) have the right to dictate that choice for someone else.

It's sad to me that people are celebrating this man's death, calling it "karma" and such - amazing, to me, how frequently "pro-life" people only care about unborn lives. Having read several testimonials from women & couples who went to Dr. Tiller's clinic, it seems to me that what he was providing was necessary but extremely hard-to-access medical care. It wasn't about having choice after an accidental pregnancy. I read some heart-wrenching anecdotes about people who were thrilled to be expecting a baby, but who got devastating news about the baby's viability late in their pregnancy. And instead of being able to get care from their own doctors, they had to board a plane and fly to Wichita and run a gauntlet of protestors. The worst day of their lives, terminating a pregnancy that they'd wanted very much. I can't imagine having to do that at all, let alone having to also make that trek so far from loved ones to go through it.

In one of the stories I read, the couple felt driven to do it because their doctors couldn't promise that, once born, their doomed infant wouldn't be placed on life support or some other kind of life-extending care. He would never be anything other than a vegetable (he had serious, unfixable heart problems, but was also so impaired in other ways mentally and physically that he could never be on a transplant list), yet subjected to numerous procedures over a life that could be weeks or years. They felt that was no way for him to live. They might have preferred he be born and die naturally and peacefully and with dignity, but they couldn't be sure that would happen. So they went to Wichita.

Many of those women who went to that clinic did NOT go to him because they just didn't feel like having a baby. They went to him because he was one of the only doctors in the country who could legally spare them the agony of carrying an essentially DEAD BABY IN THEIR BODY. It's a common rallying cry amongst the anti-choice people with the buzzwords of "late term abortion" and claiming that it's something doctors and the women having them are cavalier about, and that they're happening like mad just "because." It's incredibly rare a procedure, and it really isn't comparable with typical Roe vs. Wade type of stuff, imo.
I personally am pro-choice, pro-capitol punishment, our right to choose and our rights to freedom of speech. Phyllis you have a right to your opinion we are all adults here and can voice our opinions with respect for others and ourselves. You should never feel ashamed of YOUR opinions.

I do think it is very hypocritical for that man to have murdered that doctor. PRO-life should mean PRO-life for ALL life no matter what. So I feel the death penalty is a proper punishment for that man since he CHOSE to take another life.

I DO however have issues with people who abuse their right to an abortion IT IS NOT birth control but it is their choice and my opinion.

Late-term. If you choose to do it because you decided at the last minute you did not want the child then I think it is wrong, and you should live with your choice and either keep the child or give it up for adoption. It goes against my PRO-life stance but it is my opinion and I am entitled to it (I had a friend who did this with the twins she was carrying because she decided to leave her husband, SELFISH and wrong in my opinion). BUT if I was pregnant and was told that my child would be born with a life long illness or mental health issue that would forever impact that child's life then (crucify me if you must) I would abort. I know how cruel this world is for healthy people and would never ever wish it upon anyone let alone my own child. BUT I would also never attempt to have another child for fear it would just happen again and once is enough.

I know the saying "an eye for eye leaves us all blind" fine with me! If you murder someone out of cold blood you deserve to die. I feel that every breath you are allowed to take is like you murdering that person over and over again because it is a breath they were denied by you. May be if the death penalty was handed out a little more often people might think twice before doing the horrible things they do for fear that they to will lose their lives.

I know that some of my opinions contradict one another but they are my opinions. :wink:
"In cold blood" can be very skewed between two people. Perhaps one person thinks that someone who is mentally unable to understand the act of murder has killed in cold blood, and the other might understand their situation and suggest trying to rectify that mental condition.

Personally, I would rather we don't kill anyone, but human emotions are powerful things.