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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Pasadena, CA
Hmm. So I had the boys out (like they are all the time) and Denny was on my shoulder (like most of the time) and today Izzie actually ventured onto my other shoulder. Everything was fine, I was petting them both, and then Denny grabs Izzie's fur (not hard, I don't think, Izzie didn't say anything) and sort of tugs. Now everytime Izzie tries to get attention, Denny will grab at her, her face, her back, whatever is closest and tug.

Is this some form of rat jealousy? Or is there something else going on?
Ruby does that to all the rats. She will go up to them very slowly, nose their fur and grab their skin and pull. Doesn't hurt them. She's alpha and I think that's why she does that. 'I'm boss just remember that'

Denny might be doing that to remind Izzie of who's boss. Denny might feel like he's #1 and wants everyone to know it.
I don't think it's a jealousy thing but more of a your mine and you will stay near me kind of thing. Mother's do this a lot with their young.
Ahhhhh so he is just a punk. :p Izzie never seems to mind, so I didn't figure it was too bad. Glad to know it's just him letting Iz know he rules the roost and he gets dibs on cuddles and pets. :p