jack- red coming out of the pooper - fixed

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2008
Dartmouth, NS
jack has had dieherra since he got here, and i thought that was due to the food change, some of it probably was as he id dstart to get better, but now he's got the diaherra back again and its really soft and stinks some bad. he's been having intros with laura's boy so i thought it might be cause he's stressed out. tonight we were going in for the move and they were all having baths together. i washed jack up and got his butt all cleaned and there is something red and fleshy looking protuding from his rectum. obviously jack is coming to the vet with me tomorrow, but i'm worried about what something like this could mean. tumor? has he been pushing too hard and could this be part of his rectum coming out. i think in either case surgery may be in his future and i don't know if he can handle it, let alone if a surgery is possible for whatever is wrong. tomorrow i might take him in and the vet will tell me he's hurting and there's nothing that she can do. i just got jack, i just got him to like pets and people and know what a family life is supposed to be really like, i'm not ready to lose him. he's old, i know he's old and i knew getting into it that he wasn't going be here long but he's strong and otherwise healthy. his breathing is sound, he walks old but he's not weak. does anyone have any experience with this at all? please keep jack in your prayers tonight
Don't know anything about this with regards to rats but in us humans it could simply be hemorrhoids. Are rats capable of getting hemorrhoids?
Poor sweetie, sounds like a prolapsed rectum. I have no idea whether that is a difficult problem to fix.

He's just getting settled; it would be so unjust if he got seriously ill now. Kisses and banana mash to him. :heart:
Is a prolapsed rectum caused from constipation or straining?
Sorry to hear this kind of news. Hopefully your vet will tell you something different. :heart:
i've been reading up on hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse. apparently they can look pretty similar and he is moving around when i'm trying to get a good look and i'm not a doctor nor do i play one on tv.... so it COULD be a proturding hemorrhoid. dogs have gotten them. i don't know if a rat has but they do say that poor diet and age are big factors to both so both are possible. i don't think we'll be able to tell until he's still and we have a good look. so hopefully he'll do ok with a quick whiff of gas tomorrow.

if it is hemorrhoids it can be treated, from what i read, with witch hazel applied a few times a day until it resolves.

if it is a prolapsed rectum it can also be treated with a high fiber diet and a bit of luck it should go back in on its own. if it doesn't then jack is screwed. there is surgeries that can be done one humans to attach the rectum to the pelvis wall, or to remove part of the large intestine, but that's for a human that can then follow the excerises afterwards to make sure the surgery is successful. i highly doubt such a operation could be performed on a rat. even if jack can handle the anesthesia
a prolapsed rectum is caused from straining or chronic diarrhea or a weakening in the muscles there due to age and poor diet. so, it is possible.
fingers crossed. maybe it'll just turn out to be irritation from parasites or the bad diet. i'm happy to hear he's being jack and enjoying life notwithstanding -- any chance for another pic or two?
i have pictures of his butt with the red... but their blurring and unflattering. i will be taking more today though, he's moved into the boys cage with jeremy, gerhart and chancey (albrecht creeped him out too bad) but i'll put that on a thread of its own.

he came home!! :joy: whatever the problem was he rectified it on his own. this morning at 7 it was still there, but when the doctor went to look at him at 10 it was gone and there was a normal butt. the dr suggested hemorrhoids or a partially prolapsed rectum that went back in on its own when he got a bout of adrendline from the car ride to the vet. she did suggest that he may have parasites for the cause of the diarrhea and he will start on fenbendazole thursday when the new order gets in. in the mean time we're to add crackers and yogurt to his diet to see if that helps any.

so ultimately jack spent a day out with mom. he rode my shoulder for a little bit then explored the desk until he found a little "hut" under a filing box. he then stashed some goodies, had some egg, some donnut, a sip of milk and stole a hunk of chocolate. he also weaseled himself a couple freeze dried liver treats from my co-worker who keeps them for the dogs that come in. he got pets from other clients and made over by a little girl. he shredded some old faxes to make a bed and tried to stash a few pens, a pencil and a teddy bear. he got laughed at for sleeping on his head and told off for trying to make off with the receipt roll. all in all he had a good day and it was a treat to spend my work day with him on hand. i was very worried i wouldn't be able to have any more time with him last night and luckily i get that time and the memory of today watching him get loved on, and being a mischievous little fuzz-butt. :D
Hurray for Jack and his good news. I loved your story and could picture this little rattie in action as I read. :D