Ivy .... August? September? 2011 - February 19, 2011- Update

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Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
Jul 21, 2007
central New Brunswick Canada
Ivy .... August? September? 2011 - February 19, 2011

Ivy was a sweet, quiet little girl advertised along with two other rats as free as pets or snake food.


Tarah offered to take her and the two others so I picked them up on Thursday evening.
Tarah named her Ivy.


A few hours later she started to bleed from her vagina.


teen girls in the carrier

Ivy saw the vet on Friday and after an exam and two xrays, he decided to put her on antibiotics and wait to spay her on Monday. When I said she was bleeding a lot, I was told it wasn’t that much.
Ivy bleed all weekend, becoming dehydrated and non responsive on Sunday.
The vet on call was not experienced enough to spay her and sub-Q fluids didn’t help.
There was nothing the emergency vet could do that I wasn't already doing .....
Ivy died around 11:30 Sunday night. :sad3:


Ivy looking out the doorway


Ivy was a sweet little girl. She was curious, active, and friendly.
She got along well with other rats and with people.


Ivy never had the chance she deserved to have a good life. :heart:

[BBvideo 425,350:n2e0e47k]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWYn2k4IaPY&feature=related[/BBvideo:n2e0e47k]
I'm so sorry Ivy didn't get the chance to enjoy her new home. RIP Ivy, play hard at the bridge...

You've had a rough couple of months SQ; Ivy was one more rattie you didn't need to lose. Take care. :hugs:
A narcropsy was done yesterday.
Ivy was in the process of aborting 4 partially formed babies .... one was in the birth canal.
The bleeding was coming from the babies, not Ivy, and I was told that the blood loss did not cause her death.

Ivy's ceacum was huge and impacted.
The vet suspects that this (and he suspects Ivy might possibly have had a related infection), is what caused Ivy to go into shock and die.
Edit: there was no way to know this ..... no idea what caused it ... :sad3:
She must have been suffering so much ... no pain meds were given because of the bleeding :sad3: